Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our Christmas So Far

Happy Christmas everyone!!!!!
Well, it has been a busy weekend but a good one. The concert went really well Sunday night and apparently we are famous now!! : ) We had a nice evening with Wadih's family at Graces house and then I went to our Midnight Mass service for the first time. It was really lovely, communion by candlelight. Unfortunately, Wadih's van wouldn't start so I had to leave a bit early to go rescue him and the kids and it was about 1:45am before we all got home. Christmas morning was a very family friendly church service, with stories and pass the parcel!! (See the church blog allsaintsbeirut.blogspot.com) Then we went to Nigel and Annettes for Christmas lunch with 22 of us. That was lovely fun and the kids slept over. So now Wadih has gone off to some work!!!!! Yay! and I need to go get the kids. We have a party at 4pm and another one at 7:30pm, but that one is minus the kids so they will sleep over at Tata and Jido's. (That's Adel and Doha) Looking forward to talking to you all tonight. Lots of love.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Merry Christmas my lovelys!
i have nothing else to do so i thought i would share my thoughts with you lovely people who i know!hmmm hmmm hmmh mmmmh mmm hmmm mmhmm well write now im humming along to a song called be my escape hmm hmmmmh hmhm hmmm hhmmmm(thanks to Debbie Stuart Natalie and Calvin!!!!♥)(i hadnt heard of relient k b4:S) hmm hmmh mhhmmmh mmh hmmmh mmm<"and ive been locked inside that house while you hold the key">hmm hmmh mhmmh mhmmhmhm <"i......... got to get out of here... and i'm beging you im beging you to be my escape">hmmmh mhmmh mmhmm oh well enough of that ummm there isnt much to say hmmm.......... i love listening to music hmm hmmh mmhmm ok thank you if you have kept on reading because i dont mind if you stop now because i'm just writing everything that gose though my head laal lla la llalalalalal alal lala now im listening to running by evermore <"running...... running....... running... runnning......................"> <"you dont need a broken heart to know know a heart can be broken..... you just need to open your eyes...."> woaahhh woaaah woooah woaah woooooooooaaaaaaaah( arent i just a great singer!!!!!lol) RAchel slept over last night after she had been to the basketball and the 36ers lost so i think there out forever im not sure :S!!!!! hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm <"cry to my daddy on the telephone hoe long now">hmhmmhmhm<"THE SAINT ARE COMMIN THE SAINTS ARE COMMING">(((new song by the way you can probably guess))) <"and the magnolia trees... child on a roof top mother on her knees please.....please..."> hmmh mhmhm mhmmmhm mmhmm mhmhm hmmm hmm ohhhhh the playlists over oh well thats probabaly best because i could be going on forever!!!!!ooo dads cleaning the windows....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
hmmmm im going to eat an apple <><><><><><><><><><><><>>>><><><>its a big red apple oh and dont expect me to be writing for awhile because this is mabye 3 or 4 days worth of blog writing! ok ok now i'm completly blank theres nothing else in my mind just the cruning sound of me eat an apple and i dont think you need to hear about that because it would just take up another 2 pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so im leaving now
♥ annie

Our Christingle Makers!!

Okay here is a Christingle. If you are wondering about the story behind the Christingle, it originates in 18th century Europe. Four poor children wanted to bring a gift to go under the church Christmas tree. All they had between them was an orange, a red ribbon, four smooth sticks and 8 sweets. They combined them to make a Christingle and took it along to church. When the local children saw it they laughed at the poor gift, but the vicar took the Christingle and told a story. "The orange is round like the world God created, the red ribbon reminds us of Jesus and the blood that He shed for our sins, the four sticks represent the four seasons and the fruits that we get are shown by the sweets. There is just one thing missing." He took a candle and added it to the top of the orange. "The candle represents Jesus, the light of the world." That, is a Christingle.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Mary comes to town.

Last night was the annual pageant night up the street and Natalie got to be Mary in the float that Lynne Gibb arranged on behalf of our church. As you can see it came together very well. They used props that Di Scott had used as part of her lights display a few years ago. The Ambulance crew thought it would be a good idea to display the changes in uniform over the years hence the line up of different coloured uniforms. It was a good night although the numbers were down a bit on some years.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Shopkeeper for a Day

Yesterday we had a small truck and a 4 wheel drive with trailer arrive with about a tonne of goods from City Baptist churches for us to distribute to people in our community.
This afternoon we set up in the town hall and by 4.30 we had handed out 21 food packs that we had put together. reckon we have about 50 to go. hope to hand them out before Christmas eve.
The packs in the back of the Ute had been put together by people in Adelaide and contained mainly over the counter pharmacy goods plus a few others things like Tee shirts hats and film. We received 50 of them. As well as leaving stuff with us they dropped off goods at Clare, Laura and the bulk of it is going to Hawker and beyond. They are predicting heavy rains tomorrow so the team could have a few exciting stories to tell when they get back.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

HeY AgAIn!!!

Hello again
Sorry but im not very good at writing on the blog everyday but i will try and keep you up to date with my holidays. I went to my friends party on saturday and that was great fun because and made friends with her neighbours who are very nice. I slept over her house but we didnt do much after that. Today i went to marion with my friends and we were going to see a movie but there was nothing on so we went bowling and tried on lots of clothes. Ummm i cant htink of anything else to say so merry christmas and i might write soon!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Crazy Hair Day

No this is not John's usual style for going to school but today they have Crazy Hair Day as the beginning of a week of silliness before the Christmas Holidays. Tomorrow is Pajama Day, then a bake sale Wed, Red Day on Thursday and then Friday, Christmas Party last lesson.

We had a great Carol Service last night and were able to meet in the church building. First time for a few weeks so that was pleasant. Not quite the usual numbers of 250 but still well over 150 I would guess. And for once, everything worked, the power point was fine, the playback worked, the readers did well (John was one!!), the singers sounded wonderful (I was one!!, but everyone else said we sounded wonderful so it's okay!), the food was enough and quite tasty, nobody had too much of the mulled wine! ; ) All in all it was a roaring success.

Just two more things to get through and then we can enjoy Christmas! We have a Crib and Christingle service Saturday and then Sunday evening our choir is having our concert which will be televised live for Christmas Eve. What fun!! There is nothing worse that cameramen all over the place when you are trying to do your thing!

Okay, Cheery bye for now.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Hello, Hello

Well I am finally back online with access to the blog so I thought I had better write something. We are madly getting ready for the onslaught of Christmas events coming up. I have nearly finished baking my second lot of 100 mince pies, (the last tray is in the oven as I write, hooray!) I've discovered that I quite enjoy baking which is a good thing as I also did a hundred or so sugar cookies and ginger snaps. These are all for our Carols by Candlelight service this sunday afternoon. We are working on the presumption that all will be calm and quiet and we will be able to get to church without any problems. The kids have both been quite sick this week. There is a very nasty flu bug going around and though they have been back at school for a couple of days now, Jessie still has a horrible sounding cough!

Kerryn you have said in the past that you want to see a picture of me smiling. I was in a good mood the other morning so here is a picture of me. Yes Michael, that is a smile!

Hey Debbie, maybe you could add this to my profile for me. I tried it once before without much luck :>

Much love to you all. Take care of yourselves

Thursday, December 14, 2006


ok stuart, I will try to write everyday but there is nothing to write about! Ummmm..... let me see. My friend lucy is here with me and were going to marion with some friends (aka, lots of boys)lol! We dont know what were doing yet but i need to get a prezzie for my friend shazza because its her birthday party this saturday! There isnt anything else to say so good bye!


ok stuart,
I will try to write everyday but there is nothing to write about!
Ummmm..... let me see. My friend lucy is here with me and were going to marion with some friends (aka, lots of boys)lol! We dont know what were doing yet but i need to get a prezzie for my friend shazza because its her birthday party this saturday! There isnt anything else to say so good bye

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Need some more blog action, I think

I reckon that Annie and Isaac should keep the rest of us informed about how Hip and Happening kids spend their holidays. So here is a challenge for you: Seven blog entries each week. Could be something funny, something interesting, something odd your parents did, or even something like a diary. How does that sound? Are you up to the challenge?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

What do you think?

We have been off the air again for over a day so unable to check on what has been happening. On Friday your mother went for a hair style and colour. How do you like the results.
This morning was Desley's last service with us. The carriers are loading her furniture this afternoon. Jan & Gus provided a Barbecue lunch which we had at our place for Desley, Dawn & Lawrence, Bryan & Bev joined us. (Had it here to make it easier for Desley to be here for the carriers.) Had a good service lead by the men of the church which was well received. Off to Port Pirie for a ministers gathering tomorrow before a barbecue tea out at Fromm's for the Ambulance crew and families.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Well It's not so bad......

Hello all thanks for the goodies and best wishes, I have had a lovely day starting with the kiddies bringing breakie in bed and some pressies, then a walk on the beach and lunch with Miriam and yes we did see Moria :) then coaching Zacs b,ball game which they won then a bunch of friends around for pizza tea that was lovely.
So only 6 mins of birthday left then tomorrow I'll see how I go playing b,ball at 40!!Goodnight
Love Kerryn

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It was always my plan to back up my data on other people's computers. Honest.

As we continue our hunt for an Intel 865 PERL motherboard (supplier number 1 realised that they no longer have any, and now we are waiting for supplier number 2 to decide whether or not they have any in stock) we've decided to start preparing for the worst. (This is for if Plan Z doesn't work.) (Plan Z involves sending our hard drives to Dicko the friendly IT consultant in Melbourne, who has a mate who bought an 865 a few year ago, and letting him work his magic.)

So, it would be excellent if you could have a look at your computers, and the CDs that you've got lying around, for any collections of pictures that you might have got from us. I reckon I saw a few folders on John's computer last time we were up at Orroroo. So, if you've got any folders of our photos, I'd really like to know that, just in case we aren't able to get the RAID Array to rebuild when we attach it to a new controller.

The third part of this message is to encourage everyone to backup everything on their computer that they would not want to lose, and KEEP TRACK OF WHERE THE BACKUPS ARE KEPT! When our computer comes back to life, and we realise that we haven't lost any data, we will laugh, and then spend the next day (and 80 DVDs) backing up EVERYTHING, regardless of the fact that "I'm about to buy a 300GB drive to use as a more convenient backup, so there isn't really much point doing it now.)

Bother. Bother. Bother.

Friday, November 24, 2006

We are okay!

Helloo everyone. Just letting you know that we are all alright, though once again things in Lebanon are not. The internet access has been very sporadic of late and that has not helped in my communications. (Good excuse huh!)

I went down to Tyre on Wednesday afternoon as I usually do but this time I took the kids with me as I knew they had no school Thursday. At 10pm that night it turned out that Tyre did not either so the kids all enjoyed a day together and it was good to just visit with the Whites. We did watch all the funeral and rally and thank God that everything stayed calm and peaceful. It will be very interesting to see what happens over the next week. Do keep us in your prayers.

The kids are back in school today and I am madly trying to contact all our church members to let them know that because the Marathon has been postponed, our service will move back from 8:30am to regular time of 11am (Just in case any of them read this!!!)

I will try to post more regular updates as internet access allows. Good or sad to hear that harvest is over already, depending on your point of view. Glad there was at least some thing there. Trust the Kitto's are all upright and okay and your computer problems will soon be solved. Hello to Hogbens, good thing you do not have any major news, unless it is something happy, like you are coming with Mum and Dad next March!!!!!!!!!! Mum, I didn't even know that you were going to have some bits chopped off but I'm very glad they didn't have to do that.

Love you all very, very much. Someone please give Grandma a hug from me.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


The 2006 harvest came to an end at 5.05 pm today. The first time that I can remember finishing a harvest in November. So the records continue to be broken. We delivered our first load of wheat to Jamestown this morning and have about 2 or 3 loads to go tomorrow.

Very disappointing as the crops looked as if there was something there when you drove around them in the ute but from the header it was a different story. Many others have related the same experience. The sheep will enjoy what we have left for them

A view of the old power Station from the seaside.

When your mother rocked up at the hospital yesterday to have the cyst cut from inside of her right eyelid, the Dr had a look at it and decided that it had shrunk enough to leave it alone and treat it with ointment for the next few days. Lindy trust that things are not getting too tense over there and you are able to go about your normal activities.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A 3 Hour Seachange

Today I went to Port Augusta with Bryan Blanks for a criuse in the gulf as part of his Carers relief Retreat. There were 16 men on board which was just a comfortable number for the boat, though they say they can cater for up to 40. When we arrived the Police were on board and we found out that a group of vandals had boarded the boat and caused over $5000.00 damage, but fortunately it didn't have any effect on our trip. Got a bit choppy out in the bay near the shacks but apart from that the cruise was very relaxing. Came home to go straight to the hospital to help out with an Ambulance transfer down to the airstrip. When we got there found that Darryl had finished reaping the paddock and all we have left is the house paddock but at this stage doubt if we will reap more than 50 acres. Only reapt 90 acres out of 400 at Sandlands looked OK from a distance but very little when we started reaping the paddock. So harvest will be seed and maybe 8 tonne of wheat to sell.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Leave someone alone for a few hours, and . . . .

Debbie got a ride in an Ambulance today. She said that she had never done that before. She also got to ring 000 for the first time, as well. You see, I'd gone over to Port Pirie to go Paintballing for Caleb's birthday (you can hear the story, and see the photo here) and while I was away, Debbie felt really ill. So ill, in fact, that when she picked up the phone, thinking that she might ring me, she had such an appalling attack of dizziness, "I'maboutothrowupiness" and "I'm about to collapse and pass outiness" that her fear that she might pass out with no-one to look after the kids led her to call for an ambulance. (Interestingly, the person who took her call was Jenny Crago, a friend of ours from Snowtown/ Eastercamp days.) While talking to Jenny she found herself lying on the floor in the doorway (apparently she had aimed for the front door to make sure it was unlocked and the ambulance people would be able to get in.) Natalie then sat with Debbie, to make sure that she was alright, and kept an eye out for the ambulance. When she saw them coming she went out at said "This way, I'll show you where she is" which I think was very grown up and helpful of her.

The paramedics found Sharina's phone number (they'd asked Debbie if there was a neighbour who could look after the kids) and apparently they seemed a bit surprised when this woman walked up just 2 minutes later with three children in tow. Sharina took the kids and looked after them, which was wonderful.

The ambulance took Debbie to hospital (where one of the paramedics mentioned that Jenny had asked them to ring her back to let her know if Debbie was okay) where they put her on a drip.

About this time, I've just started travelling back from Port Pirie. Suddenly the car in front, with the other carload of people for paintballing, pulled over. Caleb jumped out, ran up and said "Stuart, Debbie's been taken to hospital in an Ambulance" and mentioned something about breathing difficulties. Jeremy, who was driving his beloved Subaru WRX, pulled out straight away and proceded to drive with a bit more purpose than he had previously shown. (He didn't speed too much, honest.) While driving, we soon discovered that both Dave and I were out of credit, and Jeremy's battery was flat, so we had no way of contacting the hospital to find out what was happening. (I may have threatened God somewhere about this point, but on the advice of my lawyer I won't be commenting on that.)

About an hour later (and considerably closer to Whyalla) Dave (back seat of the car) got a phone call from Caleb, saying that Debbie was okay, and on a drip, that the kids were with Sharina, and Kerry was with Debbie. Not long after that, the boys dropped me at the hospital, and went to my place to pick up the car, so that I would have a way of getting home later on.

It was around 7:30 that we picked the kids up from Sharina. She had fed them, and washed Calvin, after his nappy leaked down to his ankles, and I can't thank her enough, for dropping everything at a moments notice and looking after 5 children 5 and under.

Calvin had just woken up from his afternoon sleep while Debbie was one the phone to the Ambulance. Apparently he kind of sat in the corner (as he does when he has just woken up) and watched what was going on. (Although he did try sitting on Debbie's tummy while the ambulance people were trying to do something, and when the paramedic suggested that that wasn't a good idea he went of and hid somewhere.) Because he had had an afternoon sleep, and he hasn't been well, it was after 10 before we finally got him to sleep. (And at 11:45 he's woken up, and made the noises that he makes just before he throws up, and come out to cuddle mummy, and been quite upset, the poor little munchkin. Debbie is now lying with him in his bed, after sitting up for half an hour or so, listening to me write this version of events.

I'm playing piano for church in the morning, and Debbie was meant to be playing bass in the evening. I tried getting someone else to play, but wasn't able to. Hopefully everyone will be better in the morning, but I did warn the worship leader that I wouldn't be able to make the normal 9:15 practice. It is now really late, and I really should go to bed. I'm sure that at some point Debbie will write her own version of events, and correct all of the things that I've got wrong, but in the meantime, I hope that everyone had a much more boring day that we did.

PS. Happy Birthday Wadih! Debbie had some plans for the blog, but for some reason they didn't happen.

Wadih Had a Birthday!

Wadih is now officially 44 years old. He is at work all day as he has three days of concert this weekend, but he did get our family tradition of birthday breakfast before he left!

Friday, November 17, 2006

justa little someone from just a little place wants to say

hello everyone there isnt much to say but i will say something anyway. Ummm let me see i did an animal project and got a B+ 4 that, ummm a maths test and got B, i have another maths test on monday, swimming carnival on tuseday and the zoo on friday. Im doing well mostley but hav a little cold. But apart from that im doing ok. Agers ago we had sports day and i came 1st in shot put, 3rd in 100m, 2nd in long jump, 1st in 200m and 1st in relay. i would love to write more but there isnt anything to say. oh and i found out how to do kewl icons if u havent relised.hehehe☺☻♥♣◘○☼#
good bye

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Resident Aliens

It's a bit of a doofy photo but the only one we got so far!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Where to start!

Okay I know it has been ages since I have written anything. I just didn't have the brain power to say anything interesting. As usual life has been busy. My days in Tyre are good. So far it is working going down on a Wednesday night and having a whole day to teach on Thursday. John has just started having extra French lessons after school twice a week. Work at the orphanage is still going well and I start my third part time job this week as temporary Church Administrator while the previous one takes three months leave. We had a church day away last Saturday which I mostly coordinated. It went really well and we touched on the issue of grief and healing the emotional wounds from the summer. This is a big thing for Lebanon at the moment. Yesterday we had our Soul Connection concert that Wadih had organized. It was designed to encourage the youth of Lebanon after our disastrous summer. We had four different christian rock bands each play a few songs with interviews and video clips. It was supposed to be five but the grunge band pulled out at the last minute. Some of us from church made up one of the bands, called Resident Alien. We had a good laugh and the audience seemed to enjoy it. There were about 500 there. I decided to cut my hair Friday night and it seems to be okay, very a la Debbie! If we get some of the pictures from the concert I will post some. That is our life at the moment.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

God's quick answer

This afternoon nearly 100 people from around the area gathered at Magnetic Hill to pray for rain. People from the Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, CRC, Salvation Army & UCA all took part. The trouble was God got to hear about our little plan and it started to rain about 15 mins before the service started and the rain got heavy as the time went by. We had rushed to get there following a luncheon with the Rostrevor folk and I was in a short sleeved shirt and got completely soaked as I was upfront bringing a prayer of Supplication. But it was a good day. We have had 7 mls of rain here in Orroroo but I think it was much heavier at Black Rock. The photo is not of today I was just checking to see if I could get a photo to come up this is of the Feb. floods but hopefully we will have more photos of flooding to come in the coming months. Giving up on predicting crop yields. Same old story not as good as it looks Having header breakdowns which are adding to the frustrations.

Sunday walk

We still have no outstanding news to tell tho I have recovered well from my broken arm, stroke and gouging wound just not my tonsil op!(acting for the exams!)
We enjoyed the lightning and rain last night and had a nice service this morning
then after a quick lunch decided to have a meander around Hallet cove park, see the photos and a shot of plants in the back yard.
Hope all are well and happy :)
Love Kerryn

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Trevor's gavestone

Finally on monday Trevor's grave was completed. As you can see from the photos it has come up very well. Grandma Jeanie is happy with it and i think glad that it has finally ben finished.
Hope to finish reaping the barley out at Ian Tapscott's today going about 2bags was hoping it would be a bit better than that. Not sure if the wheat is ready yet. Most people are pretty laidback about harvest this year with so little to do and off to an early start.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Some rain at last

We have just had 5 mls of steady rain this afternoon , put some water in the tanks and settled the dust. First rain since Aug. May do some good on the last crop of wheat at Trevor's house. Hope to start reaping next week this rain should not damage the grain at this stage. Have had a very busy time on the Ambulance, two jobs on Mon. 5 hrs 2 trips to Port Augusta yesterday On the road from 8.00am til 6.30 had to assist Augusta crew whose Truck had broken down in the pass so assisted a patient in Wilmington until a backup Ambulance arrived and Back to Port Augusta this morning. They were all for Xrays of various kinds.
Sold some lambs on Tues to the meatworks Av $48.00 which is twice as much as we would have got in the local market. Have 2 baptisms on Sunday Nyree Walley & Kerry Manning, should be a good day.
A sunset from out front of our house a couple of weeks ago.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

An Interesting Day

What an interesting day!

Any day when four students are charged with offences under the Explosives Act has got to be action packed. Going home in the middle of the day to have a shower - that's fun too. Dropping a bottle (that a student has passed to you) because it is bulging, bubbling and getting warm is always a real highlight. Having an explosion that is so loud it could be heard in the staff room (150m and two buildings away) occur before the bottle hits the ground next to your foot is an absolute blast! And learning how easy it is for kids to make a chlorine bomb - that's always interesting. Fortunately I wasn't hurt, and neither was anyone else.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Camp & stuff

Even though it was "Mylor again!" We had a great family camp, just one night sleeping over-good idea!It was nice and green by the fast flowing river and the temp not too hot or cold.The summer fire ban started at midnight so we got to have the last fire for a while. Our speaker was the same guy as last camp-Gill Camm, he continued on the same topic of making the church( us people!) adaptable and relevent to current times. Very good and challenging. Dad I would like to get you a copy of what he had to say I think it would be very helpful for the Orroroo church too!
The kids had sportsday yesterday and their house -Topaz won and they both did very well.Zac had a very exciting race as the fourth batton runner in the relay and came from behind to hit the lead at the very last second!No surprises that Annie easily won the shot put:)
I still cant say I've fully recovered from op.Havent got all the feeling and taste back in my toung yet and still hurts to talk a lot and swallow and hurts a bigger lot when I yawn which I seem to do a terrible amount of times a day.
Hope all is well for everyone. Take care and lots of love to all.
Kezza xxxxxx

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ambos to the rescue at Park Tce.

As you can see a painter came to grief doing some work on the house but he was lucky enough to have an Ambo arrive some 24 hours later. This scene is just one of many around the town as people get involved in creating a scarecrow as part of the Quilting and garden activities in Orroroo and districts this week. There are quilting displays in the town hall, Uniting church Hall, spinning and weaving the CWA rooms and a display of Bridal gowns in our church hall.
Grandma Jeanie and your mum had a look around most of them today. The Scarecrows have many themes like water skiing, painter, surfer, silo worker, council worker, bank robber, bride plus a number of traditional scarecrows may get some more photos later.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Still Alive

Well, just to let you know that we are still here. The kids have been back at school since last Thursday and seem to be coping okay. John was much more relaxed about moving up to the Senior school than I thought he would be and Jessie is managing without her big brother in the Junior school, although she still looks for him on the basketball court at breaktime.

We are getting absolutely soaked with three solid days of rain and thunder storms, starting with a great electrical lightning show on Saturday night. Went from hot humid days last week, to cool wet ones without any real autumn in between.

Apart from that there is nothing new. Wadih is still looking for work and I will have my first day in school in Tyre on Thursday.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Out on the town at 91

Grandma Jeanie celebrated her birthday with a lunch at Maggie's yesterday. Before we went she enjoyed watching a birthday dvd that Debbie had prepared for her.
Very hot day for Oct. with strong north winds, much cooler today which is good as I have a wedding in Murraytown at 3.30pm and which is outside in the sun.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Isaac says

I went to Orroroo we had a Bonfire it was very hot, I looked after Mum while Dad was at work its a shame she didnt get to keep her toncils ,I also went to the movies to see Stormbreaker and I thougt is was a good funny intence action movie , I went to Net-Lan and played Dawn of War and Counter Strike with my friends and stayed home and watched movies with Mum. I havent played any risk lately because there has been noone to play it with. love Isaac B+C=P

Saturday, October 07, 2006

We've been on holidays!!

Well, we finally managed to get a few days holiday down in Tyre. ALL of us!! We left Tuesday morning and due to traffic in Beirut and crossing the Litani river, took two and a half hours to reach Tyre. Nig and Annette very kindly let us use one of the flats below them in school to stay in and the kids actually slept upstairs with Nadine, Maria and Sam on the first night. The kids had a great time, playing and watching movies together. The girls as the Copy Cats, with some help from John, gave us a lovely show of singing and dancing (just like Merise and I used to do!!)
The roads have changed quite a bit since I came down last, as you can see. There are quite a few of these French Army bridges and the one across the Litani has been there almost from the first week of the cease fire. They have done a fair bit on fixing the roads and highway, although you still never know when you will have to swerve around a huge crater or move over to avoid someone coming down the wrong side of the highway because their side is impassable!! Welcome to Lebanon. I have done a few other enteries about the rest of the holiday, so I could put up photo's. Much more interesting than me writing loads. All in all it was lovely and I could have used about three more days of it!!

Holiday Part Two

One of the things we enjoyed was going out for a meal and then we met up with the Whites, Correia's and a couple of other people for really good ice-cream, very cheap too. Then we walked along the corniche (by the sea) and back to school. That was the first night, the second night we had dinner with all the school volunteers and then had a walk around the old city port, stopped for a drink at Le Phonician restaurant on the sea front, then came home for an evening of card games in our little flat. Lovely!!

Holidays Part Three

The other thing we did which was great was hit the beach in Tyre. As you can see, we have beautiful beaches here and the kids had a great time with their friends. We were able to share it with the UN soldiers and Lebanese teenagers, anxious to show off their football skills. We went there on two days and it was one of the highlights of the holiday!!