Tuesday, December 19, 2006

HeY AgAIn!!!

Hello again
Sorry but im not very good at writing on the blog everyday but i will try and keep you up to date with my holidays. I went to my friends party on saturday and that was great fun because and made friends with her neighbours who are very nice. I slept over her house but we didnt do much after that. Today i went to marion with my friends and we were going to see a movie but there was nothing on so we went bowling and tried on lots of clothes. Ummm i cant htink of anything else to say so merry christmas and i might write soon!


Anonymous said...

You can probably guess but its annie

Lindy said...

Well, I guessed it was you. I don't think I have ever seen your Mum write with technicolor writing before!! ; ) Sounds like a nice mellow holiday so far. Enjoy your Christmas won't you. John, Jessie and I went to see Happy Feet on Saturday with a friend for her birthday. It was okay, the kids enjoyed it. I thought the story was a bit strange but the dancing penguins were cute! Byeee

John said...

Very colourful Annie. Will catch up with your news when you get to Orroroo on the 26th. How many strikes did you get in your bowling?

Anonymous said...

well i only got 2 but i was the first one to get one! see you on december 26!!!(i like my colours too!!)