Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Need some more blog action, I think

I reckon that Annie and Isaac should keep the rest of us informed about how Hip and Happening kids spend their holidays. So here is a challenge for you: Seven blog entries each week. Could be something funny, something interesting, something odd your parents did, or even something like a diary. How does that sound? Are you up to the challenge?


Stu said...

And if I was thinking straight, I would have remembered to to mention in my post that we can add you as contributors to the blog, so that you can sign in as yourselves. And John B and Jessie, - you might not be on holidays, but maybe you could let us know what hip and happening kids are doing in Lebanon over christmas.

John said...

Sounds like a good idea to me as long as we don't have to do one every day as well . It would be good to hear what is happening down south. We are planning to be in Adelaide on Fri & Sat for a quick visit.

Kerryn said...

Good plan Stu, Annie seems keen but Zac will need some encouragement( bribes):)

Anonymous said...

♠high guys i cant think of much to put on the blog and Mum has not given me any bribes she just forced me to but i dont care(so much for bribes)☺. I like Calvins happy happy day song to mum and i think we should send it out to the rest of the mob hay. Mum also said i had to tell you what ive been doing lately so, ive been playing chess alot lately and a while ago a played Caleb and joey at the same time and won!!!.next tuesday im going to see that new movie called "Èragon" witch is a cross between "Lord Of The Rings" and "Drag○n Hært"
lots ○f ♥ Ziggy