Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Shopkeeper for a Day

Yesterday we had a small truck and a 4 wheel drive with trailer arrive with about a tonne of goods from City Baptist churches for us to distribute to people in our community.
This afternoon we set up in the town hall and by 4.30 we had handed out 21 food packs that we had put together. reckon we have about 50 to go. hope to hand them out before Christmas eve.
The packs in the back of the Ute had been put together by people in Adelaide and contained mainly over the counter pharmacy goods plus a few others things like Tee shirts hats and film. We received 50 of them. As well as leaving stuff with us they dropped off goods at Clare, Laura and the bulk of it is going to Hawker and beyond. They are predicting heavy rains tomorrow so the team could have a few exciting stories to tell when they get back.


Lindy said...

Sounds like a busy day and reminds me of our last summer. Strength and blessings on your work. Love you

Kerryn said...

Fantastic! Such a heart warmer!
Lindy thanks for the e-card, that made me smile for ages:)
Deb it seems everytime I sit down to do a blog something happens, phone,kids need camera,kids want to do an entry, so wish me luck :)

John said...

Was able to hand out all the bags by 4.00pm on Thurs. 70 food parcels and 50 bags with the pharmacy. Hard work but rewarding we only had 2 people who refused to accept a package which was good. 18mls of rain over night should start a bit of feed in the stubbles and hills.