Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Happy Australian Birthday John. 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow

Hope that you have a great day. It was really lovely celebrating with you on Saturday.

Here are some other random photos from the weekend. I'd love to see what others got on their cameras.

Kids at the school playground. Wow, look at all the people we've made!

HAIR! Big hair, Straight hair, Hairy hair ...

After all the years of playful teasing Jean finally gets her own back at Michael!

It must be Christmas!

Boyz toyz.
Happy Birthday to you ...

Thanks for the fun weekend all. Love and hugs and hope that you all have a good week.

I finally emptied my camera!

Playing in the shearing shed at Grandpa's in the July Holidays.

Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa for the little holiday. It was appreciated by all.

Natalie and Calvin also did some painting in the holidays. Mess is fun!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A bit of history comes to Orroroo

Today we had a visit from a car that first went through orroroo in 1908. it was the first car to travel from Adelaide to Darwin. There are celebrating 100 years but this time the car is travelling nearly all the way on the back of a trailer stopping along the way to be on display. A couple of photos showing a bit of colour in the garden at present. Did one and a half days of shearing 30 points of rain hopefully will get going again on thursday if there is no more rain tonight.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Thoughts on 'Christmas'

I have just got off the phone with mum and would like to suggest the following for 'Christmas'.

To be held in Orroroo on Saturday the 26th of July. Celebrating our main meal for lunch - all things Christmasy and gravy and custardy (or creamy). Followed by the traditional post Christmas meal tea with a small pre-birthday celebration for John (and belated birthdays for Jessie and Lindy) in the evening.
The Kittos would plan to arrive mid morning on Saturday and head home either before or after the church lunch (depending on work commitments). (I could suggest a Cozens daughter item at church, but I may regret that ;)
There has been a request for Patritti drinks, which would need to come from Adelaide. I have just realised that I could pretty easily put together a Black Forest cake if people are interested (and I'm happy to bring custard and pudding for those who may be interested). Any particular food that you are hanging out for Lindy?
Not sure what else needs to be mentioned. I know I talked about maybe the following week Kerryn, but the fact that I will be only 2 weeks off giving birth then is a pretty significant factor for going a week earlier if that's ok.

Love and hugs to all. I am very excited about getting together.

(Mum and Dad - Is there someone close you could get to pop in during the afternoon to take some family pictures for us? Of course they will be incomplete pictures without Wadih, but it would still be nice to commemorate the occasion. Though we could always use the timer if needed).