Thursday, November 23, 2006


The 2006 harvest came to an end at 5.05 pm today. The first time that I can remember finishing a harvest in November. So the records continue to be broken. We delivered our first load of wheat to Jamestown this morning and have about 2 or 3 loads to go tomorrow.

Very disappointing as the crops looked as if there was something there when you drove around them in the ute but from the header it was a different story. Many others have related the same experience. The sheep will enjoy what we have left for them

A view of the old power Station from the seaside.

When your mother rocked up at the hospital yesterday to have the cyst cut from inside of her right eyelid, the Dr had a look at it and decided that it had shrunk enough to leave it alone and treat it with ointment for the next few days. Lindy trust that things are not getting too tense over there and you are able to go about your normal activities.


John said...

look at comment in the seachange blog

John said...

In case you don't know Debbie & Stuart are off line until their computer is repaired.

Stu said...

Actually, we're back again with a borrowed computer. You can find the story on the kitto family blog.

Anonymous said...

hello nice to know

Kerryn said...

Hello. Mum glad to hear that you didnt have to go under the knife!
What! Kittos! Even your computer got sick!!!