Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It was always my plan to back up my data on other people's computers. Honest.

As we continue our hunt for an Intel 865 PERL motherboard (supplier number 1 realised that they no longer have any, and now we are waiting for supplier number 2 to decide whether or not they have any in stock) we've decided to start preparing for the worst. (This is for if Plan Z doesn't work.) (Plan Z involves sending our hard drives to Dicko the friendly IT consultant in Melbourne, who has a mate who bought an 865 a few year ago, and letting him work his magic.)

So, it would be excellent if you could have a look at your computers, and the CDs that you've got lying around, for any collections of pictures that you might have got from us. I reckon I saw a few folders on John's computer last time we were up at Orroroo. So, if you've got any folders of our photos, I'd really like to know that, just in case we aren't able to get the RAID Array to rebuild when we attach it to a new controller.

The third part of this message is to encourage everyone to backup everything on their computer that they would not want to lose, and KEEP TRACK OF WHERE THE BACKUPS ARE KEPT! When our computer comes back to life, and we realise that we haven't lost any data, we will laugh, and then spend the next day (and 80 DVDs) backing up EVERYTHING, regardless of the fact that "I'm about to buy a 300GB drive to use as a more convenient backup, so there isn't really much point doing it now.)

Bother. Bother. Bother.


Stu said...

Debbie has just pointed out that ANY photos of our family would be welcomed, not just ones that we have left lying around.

John said...

I know you have downloaded a number of files onto our computer so will get them to you if you need them. Here's hoping that all your data can be retrieved when the new motherboard arrives. It gets frustrating when told we don't have any more in stock anymore. I have been thinking I should backup some of my files onto cd's this may prompt me to put it into action.