Friday, November 24, 2006

We are okay!

Helloo everyone. Just letting you know that we are all alright, though once again things in Lebanon are not. The internet access has been very sporadic of late and that has not helped in my communications. (Good excuse huh!)

I went down to Tyre on Wednesday afternoon as I usually do but this time I took the kids with me as I knew they had no school Thursday. At 10pm that night it turned out that Tyre did not either so the kids all enjoyed a day together and it was good to just visit with the Whites. We did watch all the funeral and rally and thank God that everything stayed calm and peaceful. It will be very interesting to see what happens over the next week. Do keep us in your prayers.

The kids are back in school today and I am madly trying to contact all our church members to let them know that because the Marathon has been postponed, our service will move back from 8:30am to regular time of 11am (Just in case any of them read this!!!)

I will try to post more regular updates as internet access allows. Good or sad to hear that harvest is over already, depending on your point of view. Glad there was at least some thing there. Trust the Kitto's are all upright and okay and your computer problems will soon be solved. Hello to Hogbens, good thing you do not have any major news, unless it is something happy, like you are coming with Mum and Dad next March!!!!!!!!!! Mum, I didn't even know that you were going to have some bits chopped off but I'm very glad they didn't have to do that.

Love you all very, very much. Someone please give Grandma a hug from me.


John said...

Thanks for the update Lindy We and many others continue to ask how you are going in Lebanon. No turning back now as we paid for our tickets on friday so it's all go for a March 6th. arrival, so here's praying they keep the Airport open.

John said...

Mum says,
Thanks for the news. I hope that is an 11a.m. service:)
Love to all.