Friday, November 17, 2006

justa little someone from just a little place wants to say

hello everyone there isnt much to say but i will say something anyway. Ummm let me see i did an animal project and got a B+ 4 that, ummm a maths test and got B, i have another maths test on monday, swimming carnival on tuseday and the zoo on friday. Im doing well mostley but hav a little cold. But apart from that im doing ok. Agers ago we had sports day and i came 1st in shot put, 3rd in 100m, 2nd in long jump, 1st in 200m and 1st in relay. i would love to write more but there isnt anything to say. oh and i found out how to do kewl icons if u havent relised.hehehe☺☻♥♣◘○☼#
good bye


John said...

Good to hear the news from the little someone. Sounds like life is not dull and you have plenty to tell us about. Look forward to seeing some photos from your zoo visit.

When are we getting the U2 photos and Video clips?

Anonymous said...

i think so but mum has to get them from ian coz her camera on her fone didnt work