Thursday, November 30, 2006

Well It's not so bad......

Hello all thanks for the goodies and best wishes, I have had a lovely day starting with the kiddies bringing breakie in bed and some pressies, then a walk on the beach and lunch with Miriam and yes we did see Moria :) then coaching Zacs b,ball game which they won then a bunch of friends around for pizza tea that was lovely.
So only 6 mins of birthday left then tomorrow I'll see how I go playing b,ball at 40!!Goodnight
Love Kerryn


John said...

Thanks for the update, glad you had a good day. remember to take care of that aging body on the court:)

John said...

Mum says, What a handsome bunch!
Enjoy being just forty. From our perspective that's young:)

Anonymous said...

im grumpy now mum never said she was going to put that photo up! >:[