Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Still Alive

Well, just to let you know that we are still here. The kids have been back at school since last Thursday and seem to be coping okay. John was much more relaxed about moving up to the Senior school than I thought he would be and Jessie is managing without her big brother in the Junior school, although she still looks for him on the basketball court at breaktime.

We are getting absolutely soaked with three solid days of rain and thunder storms, starting with a great electrical lightning show on Saturday night. Went from hot humid days last week, to cool wet ones without any real autumn in between.

Apart from that there is nothing new. Wadih is still looking for work and I will have my first day in school in Tyre on Thursday.


John said...

Good to hear that someone is getting some rain. It looks as if it has forgotten how to rain over nearly the whole country with many areas getting very worried about their low water reserves. Trust the new school year goes well for everyone and that John enjoys being in the senior school. Look forward to hearing about your trip to Tyre. Had a look around the crops today looks as if we will get about 2 bags to the acre at this stage. enough for seed with a small amount for sale.

Lindy said...

Well, I'm glad to hear that there will be something to harvest. I thought you had given up on it.