Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What to say!?

Well I really don't know where to start today. I am tired and this is all just going on too long. Today I went with a friend down to the baptist school in Beirut. Last I heard there were over 700 people staying there and we went to do a program for some of the children. She goes down three days a week and I hope to be able to join her for at least two of them. We had over twenty five, 8-12 year olds. We did some singing and games with them, and then joined them in doing some puzzles or drawing. They were very happy to have something to do, although a number of them told me, they do the same puzzles each time. After a couple of hours with the kids, we went up to visit some of the families. It is amazing to go and see how these people are managing. 9 families in one classroom! That is between 35 to 40 people, trying to live, eat, sleep in a room that is probably no larger than 5 by 8 meters square. Nearly all the classrooms have that many in them. Thankfully, being in the school, there is some outside space where they can sit during the day and they have been provided with a couple of TV's so they can follow the news like the rest of the country. And these are the lucky ones. Most of them still hope they have homes to go back to when it is safe. Some were from southern Beirut, others were from villages further south. It just makes me very grateful. It was also wonderful to see so many people pitching in to help. From the Baptist churches, from local scouts, from the school. The Lebanese can pull together when necessary. And it is necessary now!!


Kerryn said...

Dear Lindy, thanks again for the news.We are praying for some restful days and good sleep for you all.What is Wadih doing at the moment and what are his thoughts on all this? Hope the kids are still able to have some holiday good times. I guss you know if it all gets too much that we would organise to get tickets if you wanted.you know a plan B kind of thing :)Love you all heaps. Kezz.
ps. does anyone else have a word verification thing they have to do before leaving a comment?

John said...

Thanks for the update on how it is affecting the lives of ordinary people. As the days roll on we can see that it is going to be a drain on your physical and emotional health. At times feeling helpless and unable to do anything can be the hardest time of all. We trust that you get some peace out of helping those less fortunate.
PS yes Kerryn word verification appeared on our site yesterday.

Stu said...

I turned work verification on, because about once a week, we are getting spam comments on huge numbers of entrys. The word verification prevents that. (I can turn it back off, if you like.)

Kerryn said...

If there's a good reason for it then I dont mind:)

John said...

IT is not a great problem for us. If it cuts down your spam mail leave it on.