We were busy loading 448 sheep at Black Rock this morning. On their way to market at Dublin tomorrow. Feeling a bit worried as the truckie thought it was going to be another very big sale. One photo shows Spider man the truckie hanging on the side of the truck, he was putting sheep from economy into business class. At one stage he was walking on a 10 cm. wide rail on the top of the load. You may recognise that it is the same B_Double that came and loaded sheep out at Haynes yards a few weeks ago.
We had 200 lambs and 248 old ewes, they all loaded very well and we finished up with sheep on all four levels. About 730 head all up. Will let you know how they sell. Had a good wool sale last thurs. all but one line of wool sold for above valuation, that line will be offered next sale.
Cool photos Dad. Thanks for the news and we hope that the sale is a good one. It is good news about the wool sale. You figure something has got to go right sometimes!! I don't know if you have had any rain yet, but we had a downpour Sunday morning. Very strange for this time of year, but the weather has been odd all summer. War weather Wadih says. If you believe what 'they' say, it was full of chemicals and radiation from the 'dirty bombs' used on the southern suburbs. True or not, it was not a cleansing rain unfortunately. Hope you have some good, clean, healthy rain soon. Love you.
By the way, do they have to pay extra for the top floor?? It's a better view!! :)
Wish I could say things were more optimistic here, but alot of people are concerned about what will happen in the near future. I was a bit surprised today when I went to the supermarket, first time since the ceasefire, and I think there are actually less of somethings than during the war. So many other things seemed to have gotten back to normal that I guess I thought this would have too.
Well we hope the sheep had a nice ride and fetched a good price.We had a good weekend with a house full for sun lunch homegroup then others dropping in for late afternoon tea then the Evs comming for tea( they brought pizza!). Iain wanted to catch up before leaving for Dubi on thurs.
Hope you all keep well esp Jeanie.
Love the Hoggies.
Just got the sale prices NOT GOOD NEWS, another record yarding of sheep with prices taking another tumble. We were hoping for $55 for the lambs they sold for $44.51. The ewes we thought 38-40 sold for $26.14. Vert disappointing but of course if the dry continues for another couple of weeks the prices will probably drop even further, I doubt if you will get cheaper meat in the next few weeks though. The joys of farming.
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