Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Girls Day Out!

Well, the Lebanese are truly amazing. We have had two quiet days in Beirut and already people are getting back to getting on with life. After spending around three hours bagging rice, sugar, tea and burghul, (my back and arms are so sore!!!!), Jessie and I had our 'date', which she has been asking for, for the past three weeks. Wadih was able to fill some petrol this morning with only a half hour wait and so we were able to go down to the mall. We just did girlie things like window shop, have lunch at McDonalds and we also got a new book each for John and Jessie. It was very nice to just be out and about and I was amazed at how many people were there. Things are still a bit uncertain and people are now worried about the civil state of affairs. More about that later.

One concern at the moment is lack of work. I have an opportunity to do some proof reading for a local librarie. I have to call the guy this week to get details, but it sounds good. I should be able to do most of the work at home. Please pray for work for Wadih. As you can imagine there are not many concerts or festivals happening at the moment and it is very hard for him just being at home. I am hoping that this is an opportunity to find something new, but we would appreciate your prayers. Love and blessings to you all.


John said...

Hi good to hear that you are able to get back to doing some normal things again. We are praying that with so many people out of the country there may be some new work available for you both. If you can get work from home that sound encouraging. Off the sort out some more sheep for sale today as the feed situation is getting very low and still no forcast for rain.
Have a good day and enjoy yhr freedom.

Kerryn said...

Thanks for the reality"update" Deb It is helpfull for people to know where you are realy at and not always seeing the brave face,tho I'm sure where you are at most of the time is the right place! :)Cant believe Natalie has been to school already! Wow. Hope she loves it!
So glad you and Jessie had a lovely day,Annie stayd home yesterday so I could take her to the doc for a sore foot. Turns out she had a deep wart that had to burnt out with dry ice and one on the other foot too so now its hard to walk, I'm still sending her to school today though. Mean Mum!
Yes L.C.C. had a data projecter and a whole bunch of people afraid to use it!!!!! Still we will get there esp letting the kids loose at the desk.
Hope you had some of that rain last night Dad.
Have a great day everyone