Friday, August 11, 2006

Mansourieh Update

Well, to get you all up to date, we are all okay and things are relatively quiet at the moment. I am sitting here at twenty to four in the morning and looking out over Beirut, it is eerily quiet and dark. There are whole large areas that are blacked out, which in reality, don't actually exist anymore. Complete blocks of apartments that have been flattened, and what is left standing in these suburbs certainly doesn't have electricity. As I look at the clock and realize that I have been awake for nearly 24 hours, it feels like a very strange day. I was awake so early to get someone off to prepare for evacuation. My house guest of the past four weeks left today on a ship with her four kids, along with Annette and her three kids and another friend from church. They went out with a French ship to Cyprus. It is going to be very quiet and strange for a while. The kids were very disappointed to hear that their friends, Nadine, Maria and Sam were going, but we hope that they will be able to return the end of September. After sitting waiting to hear if they would be accepted on the ship or not, I was able to visit some neighbours, just to share the sad feeling because more of our friends have gone. Then we had a treat to go swimming with another family at their club and then to another couple for pizza supper. It was good to spend time with others. There is not alot else to say at the moment. More people from church have left this week as well and what we are hearing from most who are out is that they will be staying out a bit longer yet, maybe til Christmas or for a whole year. Who knows what will happen. Still, we are all fine. The petrol stations are not open very much these days and the price has gone up. Fuel is now a desperate problem for hospitals in particular, that often depend on their generators for power. Fortunately we are still able to get to most places we need, either by walking or a very short drive. Lots of love to all. Keep the photos coming Dad. Will write more as there is news.


Kerryn said...

Sounds a bit discouraging. What is Mansourieh? Sorry if I should know, I'm gussing its your suburb mabe.Still praying for work and some creative fun things for the kids to do and of course safety.
Love you all. Kezz.
ps hopefully seeing Merice next week.

John said...

Thanks for the update It sounds as if there wont be too many left soon. trust you dont feel too lonely. Reports seem to suggest it is going to last longer than first thought.
Still got a few more photos dont want to bore you with too many.

Lindy said...

Thanks for the notes guys. Just for the record Deb, there have been rumors (from the Government) that the airport will be open on the 19th of this month!! But whether it will actually happen or not is the big question. If it does, some of our friends will probably start coming back within a month. Here's hoping. :)

Lindy said...

Oh yeah, the sleep was good but not long enough as I had to be up to go see another neighbour/friend who left this morning back to Sweden for a few weeks to settle his wife and kids there for a time. This is another family who are good friends, especially the kids.

Kerryn said...

So what is Mansourieh?