Well I may not be physicly able to party hard on the long weekend, but I will certanly be celebrating the casting out of my tonsills!!! They should be gone by the end of the day on the 27th of Sep. Hazah!Then we shall never speak of them again.
The rest of the fam are well and getting on with things.
Lindy I have to tell you that your letter was read out on Life FM. The story goes.......One of the dj's was invited to join in with the sunday school kids a few weeks back and was in church when I got up and shared where things where at for you guys,then, so I was told,the following day she read the letter and metioned our names, the prayer points and talked about the situation for about 5 mns and asked for everyone to pray!So there you go!
Iain should be back from Dubi on Fri ( with some perfume!) :)I hear all has gone well. So we will see some of you on the weekend and others another day! Take care all.
Love you. Kez. xx
Okay, where is Dad's comment????? I want to seeeeee. How cool is that, I was talked about on Life FM!! (I'm trying to say that in an unsarcastic sounding way. Is it working?) I do agree that you guys look great. And Michael, as I keep telling Wadih, the salt and pepper look is just distinguished maturity! Okay! ;0
Michael says" How about the salt & salt look?"
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