Well, what a mixed day today was. We had a lovely service and still managed to get nearly 30 people (if you count the kids). Some could not make it this week, as fuel is now a big issue and you tend not to use your car unless you really need to. As usual, we all trooped down the road to the Chetti's beautiful garden for a pot luck lunch, although we could tell that the numbers for this were down on last week. As the afternoon wore on the hardy of us stayed to talk politics and set the world to rights (we wish), and then we were rocked by 11 enormous explosions as the jets flew over head. I tell you, it does make you jump as you don't hear the jets until after the bomb has exploded. They were hitting the southern suburbs again. It was a sad way to end a lovely afternoon.
The humanitarian situation is continuing to worsen. The bombing of the road north now means that Beirut is very isolated. It also makes it much harder for people who were planning to leave across the border. However, on a positive note, travel agents have been told that the airport will be open again on the 19th of this month. For my two friends who are due to fly out on the 20th, we hope that this is true. I still have a lounge room full of blue sacks of clothes and toys. It seems that every time I move one lot out, more arrive. At least I feel like I am helping with the need. It has not worked out as I thought to go down to help with the children's programs. I am quite disappointed about this but maybe in a couple of weeks, if they are still in the position to need it, I can go. That is all for today. Mum, Dad and Aunty Kaye, have a great trip and be safe. Lots of love to everyone. Lindy
Hi. I'm really struggling to leave a message in reply to Lindy's last entry. This is my third and final attempt. I hope you do not end up with all 3 to bore you as they are all very similar!
I'm an old friend of Wadih's from many moons ago when I taught English at Louieseh school.You have all been very much on my mind recently ( for obvious reasons!),and so I decided to use the patchy information i had to see if I could find out if you were in Beirut or safe in Australia. I "googled" Fouad who gave me this link and "Hey presto", I am reading about your life and seeing pictures of your beautiful children. I am astounded at how much John looks like his Dad!
It has been somewhat surreal to read about people and places that I remember so well.Thankyou Lindy for your fascinating and moving accounts, as the attacks on Lebanon continue.
I guess I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you all at this time.God Bless,
Once again thanks so much for the news. If you dont mind I might print this one out to pass around to share how a day in the life of Lindy is at the moment. Its great to see how the family of God-church family will look out for each other and others. as always love you all heaps and be safe and blessed. Kezza. XXXX :)
Lindy, I'm about to start some work with some year 9 students about the conflict. I know that the schools are all closed, but do you know of any groups that might be interested in communicating with my students via email? Maybe some older kids at the orphanage? My class is all 14 and 15 year olds, but it wouldn't matter if they are a bit older. I guess any teenagers who were interested is what I'm hoping for. Thanks.
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