Sunday, August 27, 2006

Back to normal??!!

Well, just so there is something new to look at on the blog, I thought I should do another update. Things have been reletively quiet and uneventful over the past week or so. With the agreement by the UN and the EU to send a significant number of troops, people are a bit more optimistic about the ceasefire holding. Having said that, it seems we still have issues with fuel, with queues and some petrol stations closing. I'm not really sure why.
We managed to have our church service downtown today and it was nice to be back in our own building. We managed to get nearly 50 people and had communion together. Sadly, a few of our church members have told us that they will not be coming back for at least four or five months. This is mostly due to schooling issues or mission policies. On the positive side, in the next few weeks there should be at least a few folk returning and we are waiting for them with baited breath. I will be more than happy to hand over a few responsibilities to the 'newly returned'.
As far as I know the kids school will open sometime early October. I don't know yet what will happen with the school in Tyre, but I hope to go down some time this week to see the state of things.
That is about it for now.


John said...

Thanks for the update. Guess it will some time for things to get back to normal, if there is such a thing. It was good to chat with you the other night and we will await an update from Tyre. The forcast is for another fine,dry week. :(

Stu said...

I knew I should have got my year 9 class studying the war sooner - with hindsight, I guess that was guaranteed to make the bombing stop, and the middle east disappear from the news. It's good that people are feeling more confident, though.

Kerryn said...

Well just keep being safe wherever you go! Ok!Dont be afraid to adapt to situations and make changes to suit the times regarding church stuff. The whole Idea of soldering on with programs to try and keep things "normal" when they are not normal is something christians seem rather keen on when I'm not sure God would alway be so fussd about sticking to the plan over making the most of the situations you face in the here and now. I suppose I mean dont be afraid to think outside the square. Most importantly dont forget to take care of you :) God cant use use as much if your sick :). Anyway.......Love you all.Kezz xx