Friday, August 04, 2006

We are okay

First of all we are all okay. Things are getting a bit mad and last night was definitely not a good one. We did not get much sleep and once again they have destroyed bridges that are on the last few roads out of Lebanon. Some of our friends who are planning to travel out via Syria are now not sure what to do. Things are quite tense this morning as people are pondering what is the best thing to do now. We are still feeling physically safe and food wise we are okay. Fuel is now a problem as alot of the petrol stations are closed or only open for a few hours at a time and you have to queue. When you get there you can only buy 8 litres at a time anyway. Not much for a 6 cylinder car! Electricity has started to be more erratic, but we still have set hours when the generator is on as well.

We have still managed to keep up with having people around. Last night especially was like grand central station, with folk coming and going and at least three extra's for supper. I am still enjoying it though. It is good to have friends around particularly when we cannot travel around very much. That is where we are at the moment. To be honest I think it will continue to get worse before it starts to get better, but I also still have peace about being here. Please pray for Wadih to get some work or a job somewhere, and for people who owe to be able and willing to pay. This is our biggest need right now. Fortunately the phone companies are not disconnecting even though we have not paid, but how long they will wait we don't know. Much love to all and keep in touch.


John said...

Thanks for the update. We have a steady stream of people every day asking how you are and many saying they are keeping you in their prayers. We would certainly feel concerned if we lost our phone contact with you. It has been a comfort to know we can have that daily link. It seems so unfair to see the massive destruction in your country and the millions of people who are suffering. We pray that Wadih will find a way to get some income. We guess though that everyone is running short on money, it becomes a vicious circle. Lots of love and hugs.

Kerryn said...

ditto!on both you