Thursday, August 03, 2006


After talking about how we should do a trip up to Arkaroola we have finally made plans to make this a reality. Aunty Kaye is coming with us and the plan is to leave after lunch on Sunday and drive to Rawnsley Park and stay the night there (This station is just near Wilpenna Pound and has won many awards in recent years and has held Opera in the outback a number of times.)
Then onto Arkaroola monday morning getting there in time to do a Ridgetop tour at 1.00pm which lasts for four and a half hours. PHoto shows part of the tour. I am sure your mother will love living on the edge. Then make our way home on Tuesday. As I said earlier The Gillies have offered there 4 wheel Parada for the trip to enable us to explore some of the off road sights So hopefully we will have some photos to share next week


Kerryn said...

Looks lovely. Mum I would be white knuckled driving along the ridge too though if I treat it like a rollercoaster ride that might make it more fun!Keep safe and have a lovely time. Will your ph still work at the park? C ya!

Lindy said...

Hey there, sounds like great fun. Hope you have a wonderful time and we look forward to hearing all about it. Love you.

John said...

Guess what!!!!! we had fish for tea and it was yummy. That looks like one happy boy with his fish.
What was Natalie's theatre experience?