Well, another week has past and with it another Sunday. As usual we were able to have a good service with the same faithful few in the chapel of the Baptist Seminary. We still had around 30 even though there were 4 gone from last week. And once again our lovely lunch in the garden at the end of the road was disturbed with a series of heavy rocket attacks, from both air and sea, that completely destroyed a number of buildings in the southern suburbs of Beirut. (That's what is in the photos) At home now, we are watching the footage on telly and there are multi storey buildings that have been knocked completely flat, but sideways, which I have never seen before. I guess they figure if there is going to be a ceasefire tomorrow morning, they will make the most of today and they have certainly done that. People here are cautious about getting too excited regarding the supposed ceasefire tomorrow. It is hard to imagine that these guys are just going to stop and so we are mostly keeping a 'wait and see' attitude. What we do hope for is that it will mean the ships that are waiting off shore with fuel will come in to port and that we can buy petrol again. In our area at least it is very rare to find a petrol station open and when there are, there are long, long lines, with up to 3 hours wait to get about 10 liters. Yesterday we all went down to the supermarket and it is starting to tell there now that supplies are getting low. But, we are not wasting away by any means and I commented to a friend how sad it is to be gaining weight while in war. Not good, but there is not alot else to do but be at home and cook and share meals with folk, so what can you do. We have starting going for family walks in the evenings which is nice, but it is not helping much. So the days drag on and each week we wonder if it will all end soon. Only time will tell. Blessings to you all, Lindy and family.
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