Friday, August 04, 2006

Aug. Goyder Article

I am sure that many of us are struggling to make any sense out of all the destruction that is taking place in Lebanon and Israel with the loss of innocent lives and the destruction of much of the country’s infrastructure. But in every cloud there is a silver lining. Amongst all our concerns and cares for Lindy-Ann and her family we are seeing the love and concern that is being shown by many people in a variety of ways. As many of Lindy’s international friends are being recalled to their own countries they have given to Lindy their food and surplus clothes and toys for her own use and to be shared with those who have been displaced by the war. With much fresh food on hand that needed to be used up the family have been sharing meals with friends and the opportunity to share a meal together has reminded them of the enjoyment that can come out of having fellowship over a meal. It has also been good to hear that the Australian Government has been doing much behind the scenes to check and assist Australian citizens in Lebanon. Lindy has received calls from the Dept of Foreign Affairs in Canberra and Melbourne and we have also received a call from the Canberra Office inquiring about her safety and needs. On a personal note, the number of calls and enquiries we have received over the last week has reminded us that we live in a caring supportive community.
Some may ask why God allows such destruction and suffering of innocent people to happen. There are no easy answers, but we do know that God shares in our suffering and feels our pain and allows us to call on Him in our times of need and trouble. We are seeing the love of Jesus expressed through the concerns and prayers of many people.

God bless, John Cozens

1 comment:

Lindy said...

That's great Dad. Thank you for sharing it with us. It is always good to know what other people are thinking.