I was very relieved to see that Tyre itself was not as damaged as I had feared. There has already been a big effort to clear away alot and some places where there had been buildings brought down have already been bulldozed and are just neat piles of rubble now. Isn't that sad? It was great to see some of the staff at school. They were a bit surprised to see me still here, but I think it made an impression that we had stayed. Lou and I enjoyed a walk along the corniche this morning with the girls and it was lovely just being back there. I felt I just needed to see for myself how things really were and to take on, or own, some of what has happened. These photo's are all of the road home, the road that we should have been driving on to get back to Beirut. As you can imagine it will take time and money to get this all sorted. I am hoping to start going back every week when school starts, but we will have to see how it works out time wise on the road.