Special birthday greetings to John B from Orroroo, trust that you will have a great day with your family as well as spending time with some of your friends. We enjoyed some Blackforest cake with Grandma Jeanie yesterday. It was yummy but it would have been even better if we could have shared it in person with you.
It is a nice sunny day here today but we will be spending most of the day inside getting ready for tomorrow and doing end of month bookwork. Your mum might be interested to know the Orroroo A grade are playing Southern Flinders (used to be Laura Wirrabara & Gladstone Combined) at Football Park as a lead up to the Port Adelaide Sydney AFL game tonight. It is part of a fund raiser for the Gladstone Explosion appeal for the families of those killed in the Gladstone Explosion a few months ago. Not sure if we told you about it but three men were killed and two others injured. They were all heavily involved in football and the AFL have got behind the appeal. Happy Birthday again and we love you all. Grandma & Grandpa C.
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