Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lindy update

Had a long talk with Lindy on the phone tonight. She was unable to send an update yesterday as the Internet was very slow and made it hard to get through.It was good to hear first hand how she is coping. With so many people now leaving the country she has been able to build up a good supply of food in fact Lindy says they have enough to keep them going for a couple of months. The Baptist college has their own well for water and with their own generator they are much better equipped than many. She is having 14 people around for the evening meal tonight because along with the long term food there is a lot of fresh food that needs to be eaten up hence the roast tonight. With all the negative news towards the government about their lack of action we are pleased to say that the Dept of Foreign Affairs rang this morning to say that Lindy had registered with them but they had not heard from her since she registered and were wondering if we had heard if she was looking to get out of the country. When told of her decision they assured us that if the situation changed we should let them know and they would do their best to help..
We have had the Everetts staying with us for the last two nights they are on their way home from hols. in Alice and the Rock. Was hoping to get a photo to put on the blogg but missed the chance.

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