Sunday, July 16, 2006

It's a noisy night!

Well it is now 2:20am, Sunday morning and we cannot sleep. Since about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon there has been a steady stream of rockets into Beirut. For the past three hours they have been coming about every 15 - 20 mins and it is loud, hence we are still awake. Thankfully the kids have managed to sleep through it all every night so far. I am waiting to hear some comments from you all, just to feel connected. I hope it is not freaking you out when I write about what is happening here. It helps me somehow. Writing here gives me something to do.
We have decided to have church up here at the seminary and those who are down in the city will meet together in the vicarage. Please join us in praying for Lebanon. Of all the times to be left as one of the ones in charge!! I'm very grateful for the others who are still here.
Oh my gosh, I just jumped about three feet then. There was a REALLY loud explosion. Mountains don't help as everything echos as well. Some of the noise is just sonic booms but they are all so loud. If you don't see the flash of light or smoke before hand it makes you start.
Well, I guess I will write again tomorrow, God willing. Love to all, Lindy and Co.


Stu said...

It all sounds rather scary. Keep us informed - more information is good information.

Kerryn said...

Yes I agree Keep talking while you you have power. Love you.

Stu said...

And if you sign up for MSN messenger, we can have a quick chat when you come online;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindy, it's Leonie here. I just wanted to say that I am thinking of you all and watching this blog with bated breath for info, I am praying for you all and just wanted to say hi. Please take as much care as you can and know that God will keep you safe and protected xxx

John said...

Thanks for the update it was good to speak on the phone. We had a special time of prayer for you all and the Lebanese people this morning at church morning tea having heard the fire works and knowing how loud they were we have a small idea what the noise must be like. heaps of love and know that lots of people have you in their prayers. Jeanie sends her love and hugs.