Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tuesday Update.

Hi everyone! Well it has been a good day, a quiet day today. We have just been at home with a friend and helped sort out a neighbours house. The kids have gone swimming with another friend, (close by) and should be home soon. We are going to some other friends just up the hill for supper in half and hour so all in all it has been very pleasant. We have not heard any bombing today. Aparently it is not Beiruts turn. They have been hitting the Bekaa heavily today.

So there is not much else to say, just letting you know we are still fine and online. Love you all lots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindy
Glad to hear you have had a bit of peace today, some time to get a bit of strength up for the next round. Am praying lots and hope that God is making His presence known to you and giving you comfort. God Bless!