Friday, July 21, 2006

Another Quiet Day

Well it has been a fairly uneventful day today. Beirut had a reasonably quiet night and the city has been quiet for most of the day. I was able to join in the prayer meeting that is being held daily in the seminary today. It was good to meet with others to worship and pray for Lebanon, and hopefully there will be an opportunity for me to help package food and hygiene parcels for displaced families in the schools. Yesterday I was able to give a big bag of toys and books to be given to the children, hopefully to help keep them occupied. For the first time in a week, I was able to drive down to Beirut today. The prospect of getting another kitten out of the house was too tempting and Wadih allowed me to drive down to see the friend who was taking the last white one. Jessie and I didn't stay long but it was good to see some different scenery and see that there are other areas where life is continuing. On the way home we stopped in at the supermarket for some more water and washing items. I'm not sure if it was encouraging or discouraging. There were more things than I expected, so for people who still have money, you can still buy. However, there were LOTS of empty spaces, especially flour, sugar, pasta and rice. No fresh or long life milk, only a limited supply of powdered milk and less water than I would have thought.

The kids are starting to get a bit stir crazy, always in the house. Nadine, Maria and Sam stopped by this morning before they went off swimming and another friend Nayla often stops by. That helps keep the boredom at bay, but I must say it is at times like this that I really appreciate having the Play Station and DVD player. Well that is it for now. Hope to talk to you all tomorrow. Lots of love, Lindy.


John said...

I quess it was good to have a change of scenery even if it meant saying goodbye to one of the kittens. The food supply of fresh items is going to be a problem for some time until trucks are free to move around the country. Barb rang yesterday morning to say the Webbs were safely back in Aust. Have not heard from Kerryn must be having too good a time to text. Summer school is in recess indefinitely we presume. Pleased to hear that you are able to gather for fellowship and prayer-- good for the soul as well as doing some helpful things for those in need.

Heth said...

Hi Lindy, I've been thinking of you guys lots and are very glad to hear that you're safe! Hope that continues :)
Love Heth