Okay, then the gang moved on to Arthur and Lou's house for the joint party with Jessica, their daughter, who turned four yesterday. Both the White families were there, our friend Nayla and Jessica's neighbours. There were games, food and John's cake which he made and decorated himself.
All in all it has been a good day. Thanks to all for your calls and messages. We love you all lots.
You might get a job making cakes for others by the look of your cake John, very well done. Did it taste as good as it looks.
WOW thats an awsome cake!i hope you had a grand birthday and lots of fun!and heres some more fun from me!!!
FUN fUN fun FUn FuN fUn
and some kisses too! XxXxXXxXXxxXxxxxXXxxxxXXXXXXxxxXXXXXXXxxxxxXXXXXXxXXxXxXXxXXxxxxXxXXxXXxXXXXxxxxXXxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXxXXXXxxX!love annie
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