Last week, when John and Jessie came back from their little holiday, Nadine, Maria and Sam stayed for the evening while their parents went to a graduation. It was the same night that Fawzi arrived so we all went off to the airport, (Yes, the same one that was hit this morning.) where the kids entertained themselves by riding around on the trolleys. Yesterday we had a surprise birthday party for Sharon Khoury (you know her Mum and Dad) and Jessie had been creating and painting a gift for her and somehow ended up with red paint all down her plait!! She liked it.
Things are a bit tense these days in the country, especially after the airport bombing today. Yesterday people were saying they thought it would happen and quite a few places on the road down south have been hit. Nig sent the family up here yesterday just to be on the safe side, so we had the pleasure of their company last night :) The kids summer school was cancelled today so they were happy. They are very tired after staying up with their friends too late.
Lots of love to everyone
Yes we are not impressed by the behaviour of some people over there! Be as safe as you can. We wish you well in entertaining the kiddywinks in the Holidays. We can now tell you because it is no longer a secret from the kids that we are flying to the Goldcoast on mon to to the theme parks and hopefuly sunny stuff and relax for a while.We will have 3 days in Syd before we come home and hope to go to the zoo and what else would you suggest? Love you all. xxxx :)
Good for you guys. Sounds lovely.
I have just gotten off the phone with Mum, Dad, Deb and Stu. Good to talk to them. Be safe on your holiday. Love you
Good to speak last night the news we are getting tells us that things are going the wrong way.
Sam seems to have grown up since we saw him last visit. Still raining close to 15mls + already.
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