Monday, July 24, 2006

Some good news!

So many have been asking about Nigel down south. Well today he managed to get up to Beirut. I don't know any details of his trip, he has just given me a very quick call to say he made it, and I would guess that he is having a very happy reunion with his family!!! However, he did drive up, despite warnings from the embassy. The problem was, the ships that were taking evacuees from the south were taking them to Cyprus, and he wanted to get to Beirut to be with his family. So anyway, he is here safely now. You don't realise how stressed you are, but when he hung up from telling me he was here, I just burst into tears. Not what I thought my reaction would be!!

Apart from that, it was great to talk to Fouad and Lisa yesterday. I look forward to reading some comments from you guys now!! ;) Sorry Lisa, I did not get the info, although I am sure that if you look up on the web you should be able to get the info there.

Thank you Deb, we did have a lovely lunch together. Apart from another truck that we heard being hit this morning, today has been quiet here. Hope it stays that way. I have my car full of clothes, books and toys that I hope we can take to the refugees down at the baptist school this week. Will keep you all informed. What's happening with you lot? When do Keza and the Hoggies get back? I would love to hear some normal life news.

1 comment:

John said...

We were thrilled to hear Nigel's news as he was much in our thoughts as we continue to see so much of the city destroyed. We received an article written by the Dean of the Arab Baptist seminary is this the same place where you are. The Hoggie's leave for Coffs Habour today, then on to Sydney tomorrow for 3 days before flying home on Sat. We assume Wadih has no work at this time, what is he up to at present. We have Aileen Barton's funeral today. Dennis triplett is coming to take the service, I will be helping, they have been asking after you all, along with about 3-4 others every day. Trust you will be able to continue to send good reports over the coming days heaps of love from us all.