Monday, July 17, 2006

A quiet night, not so quiet day!

Wow, what a day. I am watching right now live on the TV a possible plane or plane tank exploding and crashing to earth, in the suburbs below/beyond the kids school.
It was a reletively quiet night. We went up to Theopolis to see Fawzi and the family. He is trying to find a safe way to get out, but because he only has a green card not a passport, he will not be included in any government planned evacuation. Okay, there were just another three huge explosions now. If I took a photo now of the city from our front door, you could not see anything, there is so much smoke and cloudy haze. We can actually smell the acrid smoke that is blowing across the valley. I went in to work this morning, but with all the phone calls, talking with the other staff and being quite tired from sleepless nights I didn't really get that much done. Not as much as I would have liked. We are having to open the orphange for refugee families now. The Baptist school in Beirut has about 500 people in there already and lots of the other schools are filling up with people who's homes have been destroyed or are in dangerous places. And Debbie, those who came to have church here were people who all live within a few kms of here. Those who are in Beirut are mostly hunkered down in their homes. The streets are pretty deserted unless you go up to the mountians. Going up through Broummana yesterday the hotels, cafes and resturants were all full with people who had run away from the city. We will continue to keep you all posted. Kerryn and Hoggies, hope you are enjoying your Qld holiday. Love you all lots. Lindy


Cherie said...

Hi Lindy,

Cherie again!! I just saw some more footage on the news and thought I would run over here and check on you guys!!! Its unbelievable that you are still able to work given what has just been shown on TV. I know the media tend to sensationalise so much in this day and age, and I am so glad that you are all still safe and well.

We leave for a holiday to Melbourne tomorrow, it seems surreal that we can easily and peacefully do such a thing, whilst so much else is going on in the world.

Take care of you and your family, and I look forward to checking back when we get back from Melbourne.

John said...

Just got back from Ambulance training and good to see that you are still on line Will your internet work on generator power?
It looks like you will have to sit this out for quite some time as there does not seem to be any quick answers to bringing about a cease fire. Heard that the Webbs have made it over the border. Trust that Nig is OK the news from that area was not good. Be looking for an update in the morning Love and kisses,