The holiday went quickly but if feels like we have been away for ages. Go figure! It felt very surreal coming home into such a big house after spending time in small rooms and apartments, though having said that, our place in Qld was lovely and roomy, just low ceilings. The kids even had their own ensuite! The view was lovely from the 8th floor. On the warmer days we had brekky on the balcony. We got our $ worth at the three parks. Movie World 3 visits, Sea World 2 visits and 1/2 a day at Wet & Wild (thats more of a warm weather thing!) still, we had fun. We all became ride addicts. We went and saw P.O.T.C. 2 at the cinema at Pacific Fair (Southport), then after being inspired by the Matrix display at Movie World we bought the DVD set & began watching them in the evenings (with our finger on the fast forward button). On the fri we caught up with Mikes Uncle Norm & Aunty Beth. They showed us some local sites & fed us well. The drive to Coffs Harbour was rather long so we didn't see much arriving at night and knowing that the drive to Sydney was even longer the next day we tried to leave reasonably early only to have the kids get washed over by a wave after we had packed the car and thought we should have a quick walk on the beach before we go. Hmmm... It was classic funny home video stuff but of course we didnt have the camera. Sydney is huge! and very hilly and lots of watery bits. Manly was a great place to stay. Catching the ferry was lovely as was seeing all the usual sights. So now we are home and the kids need to get ready for school tomorrow and I have a ton of washing to do. The kittens grew and seemed happy to see us. Jenny did a good job looking after them for us, we all except maybe Isaac managed to put on weight so lots of healthy eating and exercising now the hollys are over. We can't forget to say Happy Birthday John!!! Glad to see you had a great day. We were thinking of you. We love and miss you and have been thinking of you all while we were awayLindy I have had so many SMS and calls from friends asking after you even while we were away so know that you are in many peoples thoughts and prayers. I even had a call from Bronny W asking after you and sending her thoughts & love, she may read the blog now to keep in touch.(Hi! :)) Love you all and see you soon! xxx
Welcome back to the real world. The photos looked as if you were enjoying the good life. You will be pleased to know Orroroo had a good win at AAMI stadium last night 24 pts. trucking 300 sheep to Dublin tomorrow and going down on Tues.5.30am start to see them sold hopefully have some photos.
Hey there Hoggies. Good to have you back. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday which is great. I must say we are feeling very loved and prayed for at the moment. I feel so at peace about staying even though today was a terrible one for Lebanon in Qana. Some many children killed. We love you all lots. Looking forward to hearing more news from you all.
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