Friday, December 28, 2007

The Masri Christmas'ssss 2007

Yay well Happy Christmas to all of you, all over the world, where ever you may be!!!

We have survived the December rush : ) and managed to have a very nice Christmas in the middle of it all. After all the church services, and fairs and carols by candlelight and ............ I don't even know what else, this is how we had Christmas!

Christmas Eve was in Hamra with Adel and Doha, Amou Victor, Grace and Johnny and my friend Karen. I didn't get any photos here exceptfor John and Jessie opening their gift from Uncle Fouad and Aunt Lisa and Co, which turned out to be...... a lovely red DS Lite! Just what they wanted, thank you very much to the US Masris! Then we went to the 11:30pm communion service which was lovely but finished at 1am (phew)! At 6am we got the kids up so they could do pressies with Daddy before he went off to build a stage somewhere, and then went back to bed for a couple of hours :D 11:30am Church again which was great fun as we had a few carols, played a Christmas Trivia game and had a story!! Nice and short and fun. The kids and I then drove down to Tyre for Christmas lunch with 30 people!! and a lovely time with Nig and Annette & Co. We stayed overnight and had most of the 30 back for left over lunch on Wednesday!

Anyway, enough details. We had fun and lots of friends and family around. Here are a few photos, but I was too busy enjoying it all to stop and take very many. Please note what REAL men in Lebanon do on Christmas Day!!! :P

Happy Christmas to all and I will go and watch your video now :) xxxxxxxxx

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy Christmas Masri Family

We had a lovely meal together at Kerryn's on Tuesday night, but there was still something missing - YOU!

Here is a video that we made for you. Lots of Love and Hugs to you Lindy, Wadih, John and Jessie.

(This video isn't hugely fancy because we wanted to get it up quickly for you to see)

-Debbie and the Family :D

Friday, December 21, 2007

The New Glasses

Well, we made the most of the opportunity and got Wadih some new glasses as well, especially as he hadn't changed his for about 9 years and they have also been broken for the past year and a half. So here are the lovely pair in their new eyeware!! Thank you!!!!! xxxxxxxx

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Church Video

Morning all. I thought you might be interested in this dad. I made it for Sunday night's service, though I have included the vocals on this video, whereas we just sang live to the backing track on Sunday.

Big BIG day ahead. Natalie has school, including a class party, and Calvin has his last pre-entry kindy this afternoon. Then Natalie has ballet practice from 4pm till 5:30, then she has to be at school at 6pm to get ready for her school concert which starts at 6:30. :P
Poor kid doesn't get a break tomorrow either because she has a full dress rehearsal tomorrow night before her big performance on Friday.

Hope that you are all well, Love and hugs,

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hello Lindy

A few stories have trickled through into the Australian media, but I was wondering what your tack on the situation in Lebanon is?
And of course just wondering how you all are in the lead up to Christmas. Hope that Wadih is getting lots of good, paying work.

Natalie has another vlog up, about her trip to Paris' hobby farm and PONIES! You can see that here. Also she has some rather exciting grown up girl news.
Her next vlog will be about tomorrow night's school concert where she will be 'shaking her tail feather' and of course her big ballet performance which will be Friday night (and Saturday afternoon). Mum and dad will be over to stay the night on Friday, so that will be very nice to catch up with them again.

Hope you're all well. I'm starting to get impatient for Christmas - Bring it ON!
Love and hugs -Debbie

Monday, December 03, 2007

Natalie's Christmas Play

Hi all. Hope you are all well.

Natalie has a new vlog up in which she talks about being a cat in the Community Christmas Carol play on Sunday night. You can see her vlog here.

Also I have put the entire play (5ish minutes) up on Stuart's account and you can see that here. Not the best play ever seen, but the cat is cute and funny. ;)

All the best and enjoy.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Keza

Hey there. I managed to leave a rather odd message on your answering machine this morning!! Small lack of communication between the dialler (Wadih) and myself, hence me going "did it beep yet and waiting 5 seconds before saying anything!!!! Oooops, anyway, you got the idea :) We are thinking of you today and hope that you have had a lovely, jovely birthday and been made to feel like a queen for the day!

Also, marbrook to Natalie for being featured!! Woohoo. Well done you. We all enjoy watching your vlogs so keep up the good work, with help from all who help you!

Lots of love to everyone! Byeeeeee
The Masri's

Friday, November 30, 2007


Oh my goodness!!! The last thing I expected to see this morning when I started up Youtube was Natalie looking back at me from under the words FEATURED!

Check it out here.

I feel a little nervous about it. I'm not really sure why they chose that particular episode from all of hers, but I have been keeping an eye on the comments and her new subscribers all day, screening for scary people. Let me know if you come across anything dodgy.

Ok, now that I've got the paranoia out of the way, back to being excited! John sent me a message:
And congrats to Natalie. She honestly is, at the age of six, one of the best vloggers on youtube. (Also, Calvin is pretty amazing. His impression of me is the cutest event of my life maybe.) -John

Gosh I didn't think any of this would be happening 6 months ago!!!

Hope that you are all well, love and hugs -Debbie

Thursday, November 29, 2007

!!! HaPpY bIrThDaY KeRrYn !!!

Thought that I would get in early, ready for tomorrow, and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the birthday girl - "Party Blower Solo"

Sorry, I don't actually have a party blower solo, but I do have THIS. I hope that you enjoy.

As I mention in the side bar, I still do have the intention of making you a really big, hug, gigantic, video production at some day, but today is not that day - sorry. I was finding it hard to talk about your life and then I realised that you and I have, in the last 28 years, only lived in the same town for 4 years, and 3 of those I was 3 and younger!!! I hear rumors that Lindy might be coming for a prolonged visit next year so I might have to get her to help me do something. Actually, Lindy, when you do come over we should have the mother of all parties just because there is a lack of very good parties in the world, there should be more. ;)

Anyway, this is supposed to be a happy birthday message. I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks Kerryn (and family). It should be awesome - we have GOT to make a video together!

Lots of big birthday love and hugs - Debbie (and Stuart, who is in Adelaide! Natalie and Calvin)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christmas Ideas?

I can hardly believe that it is almost the end of November already!!! And for the first year EVER I have yet to start my Christmas shopping (oh no). But unlike their unorganized mum, Calvin and Natalie have been thinking about Christmas for a while now. I thought that I would share with you some of the things that they would be very excited to see under the tree this year, in case you need any ideas.

Jewelry (Natalie is very keen for some more 'real' jewelry :)
Any craft accessories - cutters, scissors etc
Coloured paper, scrap booking stuff
Nice pencils, fancy textas
Any clothing to please be size 8, and she is still a pink princess girl
'Happily Never after' DVD
Craft books and/or story books
A pink diary
Photo frames (that can hang on the wall)

Calvin: (obviously with Calvin this could double as a birthday wish list too)
It is all about the superheros at the moment for Calvin. We have bought him a Spiderman dress-up. (Spiderman is his current big thing as Spiderman 2 is his fav movie)
Calvin has also begun to really get into lego. A big hit could be any spiderman or batman lego (we don't have any, so no fear of doubling up), and since seeing 2 minutes of StarWars in a shop he really likes StarWars lego, and we don't have any that is out currently, though that could be a safe gift too.
His wish list also includes:
Colin's Jesus Rocks the World DVD
Any transformers (we are hoping to get him Optimus Prime)
Pretty much anything Batman, Superman or Spiderman will be a hit
An airplane kite
'Over the Hedge' DVD (though mum is not too fussed if he doesn't get that :P)

Of course these lists are just suggestions and I'm sure that the kids will be happy with whatever. Mostly they are just very excited about seeing all (well, most of) of their family on one day.

Now in exchange for this insider information, I would love some hints about what Isaac and Annie would really like (specifics are great) are into and would be keen to receive. Please please please please. I am aware that Isaac is all into the lego at the moment, but some hints on sets that he doesn't already have would be good. Annie, if you have any specific requests that would be great. Thank you.

So, Lindy, are you really coming to see us in January? I if so, instead of sending money I would love to get your kiddies gifts that you can take back. So any suggestion would be great. I keep an eye out (though I might wait for the post Christmas sales).

Love and hugs.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Wadih

Sorry, I think you're going to get this the morning after, but

We have made you two video cards to celebrate the day of your birth.

First, one from the family (ie. Debbie) that you can see here.

And you can see Natalie and Calvin's video here.

God bless you for the year ahead.
Love and hugs, Debbie, Stuart, Natalie and Calvin.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Birthbay Wadih

Happy Birthbay ( or Birthday if you prefer!). Hope you have had a lovely birthday Wadih
We were thinking of you today, hope all is going well for you and the family and many blessings
on you for this next year. Lots of love from all the Hoggies.. :) xx

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Lindy : Look what Kerryn did!!!!

Click Here!


But also a little be ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Move Part 2!

Then there was the new house :). (Not quite fully unpacked here, but we are improving!)

The Move!!

First there was the packing! (With some help from Annette, Louise and Karen who tag teamed throughout the day).

Monday, November 05, 2007

'ello, 'ello!

Well, we are actually moving!!! We signed for the new house on Wed and have already moved a whole stack of stuff down from Theopolis. Tomorrow is a major day of packing and moving and by Tuesday it should all be over! Just like that!

I have just finished downloading a whole heap of photos on the church blog about our All Night event. Lots of fun and no sleep (well not for me and John anyway) and we also had a good All Saints' Day Lunch after church, photos of that later! All in all a very busy, but excellent weekend! Byeeeeee

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Rain, rain, more rain

Last Friday began with rain and thunder that put our power out for 7 hours. We had a number of heavy storms and finshed with 23 mls here in Orroroo. Bigger storms down south and west of Black Rock around 47 mls causing Harris's creek to flood twice during the afternoon. The first photo is in the road crossing at Harris's at about 6.00pm when it had dropped quite a bit. The second photo is some of the water that finished up at the entrance of the airstrip on the road to the farm. The other photo is of the wheat crop out under the hills , at this stage not showing any rain damage. A number of farmers with barley have had big losses with heads on the ground. Internet off line for a couple of days after the storms very frustrating. Jeanie went for a drive around the farm yesterday and was able to have a look at the crops and the reservoir which has quite a lot of water in it now, the highest since last century.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Natalie's birthday videos

Hello all. Natalie has started her day well. Presents and letters to open AND not one, but two special videos songs. Check out her video from Uncle John here and her brilliant birthday song from Uncle Chris from Bath here. Natalie went to school very excited about being able to celebrate her birthday with her class mates. I guess she'll vlog about her day at some point, and I am madly trying to get some videos up (because it has been SO long).
Love and hugs to all.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Natalie's Party

Hi all. I would have put this up sooner but with all the storms around we have been without internet for most of the weekend (oh my goodness, Stuart and I almost died!!!), but we're back in touch with the world now.

Natalie had her birthday party on Saturday. She has made a vlog about it if you're interested, click here. In the end she had 8 little peeps to swim with her, one friend from school, a couple of other girl friends from church circles and all three Stotts. It was a great party because all we had to do was sit, drink and watch.
After the swim Amber and Hayden came back and made pizzas for lunch (yum) and had birthday cake and a play. Then Hayden went home and Amber stayed over for the night (yes, Natalie's first ever friend to sleep over). Was very cute, Natalie and Calvin went to sleep very quickly, Amber took a little bit longer, but she slept fine after she'd climbed into bed with Natalie!
The wind here was unbelievable Saturday (there is some video of it in Natalie's vlog).
Natalie survived her weekend though I suspect that she is not 100%. She has gone to school today but I foresee an early night (for all of us). Stuart has flown off to Adelaide for a meeting today and we'll pick him up from the plane at 5pm so that he can rush back to school here for a tea and parent thing! He's discovering that being AP makes you very busy, but he's enjoying the work. Calvin and I are still recovering from illness. I think Calvin is almost better, but with the party and leading church Sunday night I'm still a way off from being healthy.
At this stage we're planning to go out for tea on Wednesday (Natalie wants to go to a restaurant). Six years has come around very quickly.

Hope that you are all well.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Um Hello

Okay, I don't really have alot of news, but I figured it was about time to put something up, just so you know we are still alive!!!

We are in the process of looking for a new home as we are getting kicked out of this one! We only have a few weeks to find somewhere and we have not had alot of luck so far. We saw one place that was quite cute but small :( So we are still hunting! And it will be nice not to be living on a building site! :)

The six day work week thing is going okay so far. I had a good day down in Tyre today, I'm teaching music to Grade 1 and Library to 4 & 5 this year. Different but good! The kids have settled back into school routine really well which has been great. They both have good teachers, an answer to prayer. Errrrr... Church is going well, lots of new families and kids, youth group numbers are up and we are having fun, surviving without Ian and Ackie much to our surprise. We have an All Night Event coming up soon (see church blog for photos in a couple of weeks!!) where sleep is optional! Could be interesting.

Okay, that is about it for the Masri update. If I remember anything else interesting, I'll let you know :) Lots of love to all and sundry xx mwah (as we say on Facebook :) )

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

YouTube Update

Hi all.

We are pleased to announce the launch of an all new YouTube Channel (Click here for advert).

Natalie has gone global and she is loving the idea that 'the whole world is watching me'! You can see her channel here and see her first vlog on her holiday and impressions of Colin here. It would be great if Grandma and Grandpa subscribed, hint hint. AND any one else who is on YouTube. Hint hint hint.

Not sure how long the enthusiasm will last (and how long mummy and keep the pace to edit twice as many videos!) but it is a bit of fun while it lasts.

Also, for those interested in family stuff check out here the comment left on Uncle Trev's memorial video from ... Trevor Cozens of the UK! I'm keen to find out if there is a connection dad. Freaky that all the names match up!

Love and Hugs

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Our Holiday movie (Shorter than a slide evening)

Howdy folks,

just wanted to let you know that Debbie has put together a movie from our trip to Victor this week. Click here to watch it.

(I know I could embed it in the blog, but if you watch it at Youtube you can sign in, rate it, favorite it, and subscribe to Debbie's videos. It's important to rate videos because that gets them onto the first page in the category, which makes them more likely to be viewed by lots of people.)

Come on Hoggies - you've got the new computer - when is the Youtube Channel starting up?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Victor, Colin and a visit from the gift angles

Hello everybody.

Hope that you are all well. We are home (and almost unpacked) after a week away. Just thought that we'd share some pictures with you.

On our holiday we visited Granny in Crystal Brook and she seemed to be going very well. We visited Isabelle's garden. We had lots of fun staying at Nanna and Poppa's with cousin Michael (and Heth, Jacob and Sam). We enjoying going to the animal park again. Like the smiley turtle? And we had lots and Lots of fun at the Colin Buchanan concert. Natalie even went on stage to wave a flag for Colin (while he sang 'The Lord is King').

Will be posting a video of our holiday in the next day (I hope). Also on Youtube news, Natalie is keen to start her own channel and vlog (mostly she is keen to have the camera to herself and talk about stuff). Will let you know when that goes up.

And the photo of us on the swing chair was taken in our backyard on OUR swing chair! The gift angles (Mr and Mrs Noonan) left it as a lovely thank you gift - owww, isn't that nice. Now I have somewhere to lie and recover from the wedding.

Love and hugs to you all.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

the Big Wedding

Well we managed to meet all our deadlines and enjoyed a great day at the Byerlee wedding. Your mother looked stunning in her dress, even had one girl from Victoria come and say when she knew that Rita had made it "I what to take off 5 days and come over and get you to make a dress like that for me" Many comments on the service the phototogapher from Adelaide said he had been doing weddings for 22 years and this would have to be the most emotional and best wedding he has been too
Hoggie's might recognise the music group who played wonderfully. We also got to sit on table one which was very nice. A much quieter week this week.