Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christmas Ideas?

I can hardly believe that it is almost the end of November already!!! And for the first year EVER I have yet to start my Christmas shopping (oh no). But unlike their unorganized mum, Calvin and Natalie have been thinking about Christmas for a while now. I thought that I would share with you some of the things that they would be very excited to see under the tree this year, in case you need any ideas.

Jewelry (Natalie is very keen for some more 'real' jewelry :)
Any craft accessories - cutters, scissors etc
Coloured paper, scrap booking stuff
Nice pencils, fancy textas
Any clothing to please be size 8, and she is still a pink princess girl
'Happily Never after' DVD
Craft books and/or story books
A pink diary
Photo frames (that can hang on the wall)

Calvin: (obviously with Calvin this could double as a birthday wish list too)
It is all about the superheros at the moment for Calvin. We have bought him a Spiderman dress-up. (Spiderman is his current big thing as Spiderman 2 is his fav movie)
Calvin has also begun to really get into lego. A big hit could be any spiderman or batman lego (we don't have any, so no fear of doubling up), and since seeing 2 minutes of StarWars in a shop he really likes StarWars lego, and we don't have any that is out currently, though that could be a safe gift too.
His wish list also includes:
Colin's Jesus Rocks the World DVD
Any transformers (we are hoping to get him Optimus Prime)
Pretty much anything Batman, Superman or Spiderman will be a hit
An airplane kite
'Over the Hedge' DVD (though mum is not too fussed if he doesn't get that :P)

Of course these lists are just suggestions and I'm sure that the kids will be happy with whatever. Mostly they are just very excited about seeing all (well, most of) of their family on one day.

Now in exchange for this insider information, I would love some hints about what Isaac and Annie would really like (specifics are great) are into and would be keen to receive. Please please please please. I am aware that Isaac is all into the lego at the moment, but some hints on sets that he doesn't already have would be good. Annie, if you have any specific requests that would be great. Thank you.

So, Lindy, are you really coming to see us in January? I if so, instead of sending money I would love to get your kiddies gifts that you can take back. So any suggestion would be great. I keep an eye out (though I might wait for the post Christmas sales).

Love and hugs.

1 comment:

Kerryn said...

Hi there! Having trouble getting the kids to name things, will keep trying.Annie is killing herself laughing at Peter Garret in Midnight oil film clips.She dosnt get his happy dance. Zac is sick but needs to be better in time to be Joseph in the Glenelg pagent.
See ya!!