Monday, November 05, 2007

'ello, 'ello!

Well, we are actually moving!!! We signed for the new house on Wed and have already moved a whole stack of stuff down from Theopolis. Tomorrow is a major day of packing and moving and by Tuesday it should all be over! Just like that!

I have just finished downloading a whole heap of photos on the church blog about our All Night event. Lots of fun and no sleep (well not for me and John anyway) and we also had a good All Saints' Day Lunch after church, photos of that later! All in all a very busy, but excellent weekend! Byeeeeee


Kerryn said...

Wow Lindy! I hope you mannage a little break to catch your breath and get some sleep after you finish the big move. Hope all goes well and you enjoy your new home and that it soon feels very homey:)
Love Hoggies

Debbie said...

Well, it's Wednesday here, so you must be getting close to finishing your move. I really hope that it has all gone well. Wadih mentioned that this house was a little bit bigger (all be it still just two bd rooms).

I enjoyed looking at the photos of the All Night event. Looked like great fun. Glad to hear that your weekend was good. Hope that you don't find yourself too stressed out in the lead up to Christmas (Stuart & I are thinking of writing a drama that revolves around the line "I have come that you might have a stressful, busy life and have it abundantly!" But I'll have to see if I have any time to write it :P lol)
Love and hugs to you all, -Debbie

John said...

Hey Lindy, Hope by now you are all settled and fitting in well.
Love Mum.