Friday, November 30, 2007


Oh my goodness!!! The last thing I expected to see this morning when I started up Youtube was Natalie looking back at me from under the words FEATURED!

Check it out here.

I feel a little nervous about it. I'm not really sure why they chose that particular episode from all of hers, but I have been keeping an eye on the comments and her new subscribers all day, screening for scary people. Let me know if you come across anything dodgy.

Ok, now that I've got the paranoia out of the way, back to being excited! John sent me a message:
And congrats to Natalie. She honestly is, at the age of six, one of the best vloggers on youtube. (Also, Calvin is pretty amazing. His impression of me is the cutest event of my life maybe.) -John

Gosh I didn't think any of this would be happening 6 months ago!!!

Hope that you are all well, love and hugs -Debbie

1 comment:

Kerryn said...

Yeah for Natalie and boo for having to look out for creepy people! and Yeah!! for a nice message from John.....:)