Thursday, November 29, 2007

!!! HaPpY bIrThDaY KeRrYn !!!

Thought that I would get in early, ready for tomorrow, and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the birthday girl - "Party Blower Solo"

Sorry, I don't actually have a party blower solo, but I do have THIS. I hope that you enjoy.

As I mention in the side bar, I still do have the intention of making you a really big, hug, gigantic, video production at some day, but today is not that day - sorry. I was finding it hard to talk about your life and then I realised that you and I have, in the last 28 years, only lived in the same town for 4 years, and 3 of those I was 3 and younger!!! I hear rumors that Lindy might be coming for a prolonged visit next year so I might have to get her to help me do something. Actually, Lindy, when you do come over we should have the mother of all parties just because there is a lack of very good parties in the world, there should be more. ;)

Anyway, this is supposed to be a happy birthday message. I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks Kerryn (and family). It should be awesome - we have GOT to make a video together!

Lots of big birthday love and hugs - Debbie (and Stuart, who is in Adelaide! Natalie and Calvin)

1 comment:

Kerryn said...

Yeah for more partys!! What! no party blower solo! :( not realy! :)
Thanks for the song. We look forward to the day when most or all of us live close by.... :)
Love to all big kiss little kiss hug hug little kiss.....