Friday, October 26, 2007

Um Hello

Okay, I don't really have alot of news, but I figured it was about time to put something up, just so you know we are still alive!!!

We are in the process of looking for a new home as we are getting kicked out of this one! We only have a few weeks to find somewhere and we have not had alot of luck so far. We saw one place that was quite cute but small :( So we are still hunting! And it will be nice not to be living on a building site! :)

The six day work week thing is going okay so far. I had a good day down in Tyre today, I'm teaching music to Grade 1 and Library to 4 & 5 this year. Different but good! The kids have settled back into school routine really well which has been great. They both have good teachers, an answer to prayer. Errrrr... Church is going well, lots of new families and kids, youth group numbers are up and we are having fun, surviving without Ian and Ackie much to our surprise. We have an All Night Event coming up soon (see church blog for photos in a couple of weeks!!) where sleep is optional! Could be interesting.

Okay, that is about it for the Masri update. If I remember anything else interesting, I'll let you know :) Lots of love to all and sundry xx mwah (as we say on Facebook :) )


Debbie said...

HELLO! Great to hear from you. Yes, yes I know I don't visit facebook enough (but if it is any consolations, it is not just you. Everyone is annoyed at me for not being a facebook fan :P)
Glad to hear that work is going well, and church sounds very exciting. Look forward to checking out the sleep over photos.
We have been praying everyday (since mum and dad mentioned it) for you to get a house. Hope that prayer is answered very soon. (hint hint God!)
Oh, we're sick (Calvin and I. Natalie is just sick enough to be grumpy) and Stuart is VERY busy at work. I'm already finding myself looking forward to January, but we'll survive.
Love you lots and hugs and mwahs to you all.
(Any news on an early Christmas visit?)

Kerryn said...

So good to hear you news!!How does one possibly mannage all of lifes demands working 8 days?!!!oh you said 6 days... probably feels like 8 between breaks. I'm hoping your day off isnt sun cause I bet you still work a lot on that day too!!
Sounds like you might need a holiday in Jan after you and move and have chrissy and all......:)
Mum and Dad are here for an Emaus weekend and we are going to Eain O'Bs 40th and Phil B 50th on sat night and because daylight savings starts we loose 1/2 hr from each party!!!:( Hope to have masterd new software and do a post soon :)
LOve to all from Hoggies xxx

John said...

Thanks for the update. Big rains in the MidNorth this week 250 points + around Carrieton with flooding over 250 at Melrose Bowmans 469 points with hail damage to crops but fortunately we only had around 40/50 points of steady rain with no crop damage. Pray that the right house in the right area will come up soon. Know what it is like we have had a couple of possibilities to a bit small for our requirements so the hunt goes on. God bless

Lindy said...

Are you guys house hunting too Dad?? I remember some talk ages ago about Mrs ?? wanting her house, but I hadn't realized it was now. Blessings on your endeavours too!! lol

And Debbie, I'm not annoyed with you about Facebook, at all. Just being encouraging that's all. :) Mwaaaaaaah!

Kerryn said...

Hope all you Kittos are feeling better, b t w Debbie if you found a box of my stuff would you go through it with a camera?!!!! :)

Kerryn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debbie said...

As if I'd use a camera Kerryn!
LOL, I'm so kidding. If you read the comment you would have seen that I said "I would NEVER endorse this". Besides, you weren't even at home for me to look through your stuff. (Uh OH that may have been the wrong answer, but the past is in the past hey Lindy, do de do de do, so what were we talking about?)
AND and and Kerryn why are you responding to that comment here instead of on Youtube? I hope you can wrangle Vista into submission soon. I REALLY want to see you there, and some decent secret sibling videos again. There are so many un-nerdfighter blaa videos going up as responses now days - really annoys me. So PLEASE get on line soon, so I can feel less alone in a sea of nerds.

Lindy said...
