Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Stuart

Today is Stuart's birthday and his sneaky wife organised for John Green to make a video for him (and he actually did!!!). See! Also, the kids and I made a little video for Stuart here.

Not a lot of plans for the day. Rest is high on the agenda, but it should be a good one.

Here are also a couple of pictures from the Noonan wedding on the weekend.

Love and hugs to all.


Kerryn said...

All the Hoggies wish you a most awsome, restfull,anti-suck, giftfull nurdfighting day. :)
ps: Johns message was rather jokes!!

John said...

Trust you had a good day Stuart. Very clever to always manage a holiday for your birthday. I think John Green has a soft spot for the Aussie family as I am sure he must get lots of requests