Friday, October 12, 2007

Victor, Colin and a visit from the gift angles

Hello everybody.

Hope that you are all well. We are home (and almost unpacked) after a week away. Just thought that we'd share some pictures with you.

On our holiday we visited Granny in Crystal Brook and she seemed to be going very well. We visited Isabelle's garden. We had lots of fun staying at Nanna and Poppa's with cousin Michael (and Heth, Jacob and Sam). We enjoying going to the animal park again. Like the smiley turtle? And we had lots and Lots of fun at the Colin Buchanan concert. Natalie even went on stage to wave a flag for Colin (while he sang 'The Lord is King').

Will be posting a video of our holiday in the next day (I hope). Also on Youtube news, Natalie is keen to start her own channel and vlog (mostly she is keen to have the camera to herself and talk about stuff). Will let you know when that goes up.

And the photo of us on the swing chair was taken in our backyard on OUR swing chair! The gift angles (Mr and Mrs Noonan) left it as a lovely thank you gift - owww, isn't that nice. Now I have somewhere to lie and recover from the wedding.

Love and hugs to you all.


Kerryn said...

Awww! so many great photos.... How fantastic the one with Collin and Natalie getting up on stage!!!! I cant believe Michael is nearly looking Heath in the eye!!
Glad you got the jacket ok and that your home safe. We got up early and walked along the beach to the Espy for breaky then took the long way home.
Saw the comment under "the tree" hmmmmm no pressure. :)
As you probably saw our parcel arrived and has been giving Micheal considerable grief so we havent been out much but Zac did get his obligitory holiday haircut.
Hope to be able to put photos on soon. All take care and keep "The Hoggies"

John said...

Thanks for the report and photos looks like a busy but happy time. Natalie seems to be making a habit of mixing or connecting with famous celebrities.
Another hols. over and soon be Christmas. busy weekend shearing this afternoon 17 young folk from Corro Bap staying at the farm tonight and a funeral in Clare tomorrow afternoon