Tuesday, October 16, 2007

YouTube Update

Hi all.

We are pleased to announce the launch of an all new YouTube Channel (Click here for advert).

Natalie has gone global and she is loving the idea that 'the whole world is watching me'! You can see her channel here and see her first vlog on her holiday and impressions of Colin here. It would be great if Grandma and Grandpa subscribed, hint hint. AND any one else who is on YouTube. Hint hint hint.

Not sure how long the enthusiasm will last (and how long mummy and keep the pace to edit twice as many videos!) but it is a bit of fun while it lasts.

Also, for those interested in family stuff check out here the comment left on Uncle Trev's memorial video from ... Trevor Cozens of the UK! I'm keen to find out if there is a connection dad. Freaky that all the names match up!

Love and Hugs


Kerryn said...

Hello! Glad to hear Lindy that you( and family) are alive and well. Hows the exciting idea of visiting for christmas comming along?
Natalie your blogs are great!! Look forward to seeing many more. Good on Deb for being so willing.:)
We did read the Trev comments, maybe if we keep going back far enough there will be a connection.
Well wish me luck as I try to take command of the latest equiptment. :)
Love Kerryn aka possibly "happyhog"

Debbie said...

Cool. Happyhog is gone already to a Canadian, but HappyHoggie is free.

GOOD LUCK! Can't wait to see you online.

Love and hugs