Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hello Lindy

A few stories have trickled through into the Australian media, but I was wondering what your tack on the situation in Lebanon is?
And of course just wondering how you all are in the lead up to Christmas. Hope that Wadih is getting lots of good, paying work.

Natalie has another vlog up, about her trip to Paris' hobby farm and PONIES! You can see that here. Also she has some rather exciting grown up girl news.
Her next vlog will be about tomorrow night's school concert where she will be 'shaking her tail feather' and of course her big ballet performance which will be Friday night (and Saturday afternoon). Mum and dad will be over to stay the night on Friday, so that will be very nice to catch up with them again.

Hope you're all well. I'm starting to get impatient for Christmas - Bring it ON!
Love and hugs -Debbie


Kerryn said...

Yes Lindy tellus about the"situation in Lebenon" and all your news and well done again Natalie.HOpe your tooth comes out without any dramas. We are of to Orroroo this weekend hope fully with photos :)
Love you all.... xx

Kerryn said...

Yes Lindy tellus about the"situation in Lebenon" and all your news and well done again Natalie.HOpe your tooth comes out without any dramas. We are of to Orroroo this weekend hope fully with photos :)
Love you all.... xx