Thursday, March 15, 2007

We are upright again!

Hello everyone. Just thought I should let you know that I am feeling miraculously better. The combination of medicine and prayer is very powerful and if you had told me yesterday, when I literally couldn't move at all, that I would be up and about today, I would have been very skeptical, but it was what I was hoping for. And here I am!!!

I'm afraid it also meant that I have put Mum and Dad to work, helping me prepare the mailing at the orphange, and tomorrow we have all the reports for the church AGM to stuff into envelopes. Still I am very thankful to have them here to help! We will try to do some fun stuff as well and give them plenty of time to rest and relax. Lots of love to all of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay nice 2 hear that ur feelin better!!!!!!!!1do u like my photos!!!!!!