Thursday, March 08, 2007

My gosh! Annie turned 13!

Hello from Debbie. Haven't really got any interesting news. And I haven't taken any photos for ages, but I thought it was about time I wrote something - anything!

Obviously, another happy birthday to you Annie for Tuesday. Glad to hear that you had a nice time at the movies with your friends. Was nice to talk to you Hogben's on the Skype - even if the quality wasn't completely fabulous. Will be great to see if we can get it working with you lovely lot in Lebanon.

Stuart has had a VERY busy week. Monday was normal (home after 6pm), Tuesday was home at 6 and out at 7 to Natalie's school AGM where he was elected to school council, Wednesday was home at 7:40 with Bible study starting at 8. Tonight he is at school until after 8:30 and tomorrow I collect him from school and we go to Adelaide!

Tomorrow Natalie's class is leading the school assembly and apparently Natalie has a role so Calvin and I will be getting alone to that to oooooh and ahhhhhh. This week Natalie has also been doing swimming lessons every day and apparently enjoying them a lot. Natalie is still doing ballet on a Wednesday and having lots of fun with that.

Calvin and mummy have been a bit at heads this week, so it will be good to get away to some different scenery and other people. On Tuesday (I think) Calvin cut a piece of hair out of his fringe so that inspired me to suggest a trip to the hairdresser (more for a need to do something with this boy of mine rather than a desperate need for a cut), but he had a great time and sat like a statue (meaning the hairdresser had a good time to!). He now looks very neat and smart.

I'm just continuing to potter through each day, completely depressed by the repetitiveness of housework! Oh well.

Hope that the holiday is going well mum and dad and that you are all having a lovely time. Hugs and stuff to you all. Debbie.


Lindy said...

hi from Lebanon We have had a big day travelling down to Tyre with Lindy Up at 5.00 am on the road by 10 to six great to catch up with Annette and the children briefly. Annette took us for a walk through the market like walking into a time capsule Had trouble emotionally dealing with the beggars but sitting outside a little cafe drinking freshly crushed lemon was really freshing for the soul looking over the Mederteranian sea. Will try and get some photos up soon love a hugs dad.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Deb for your news, Dad too!
Annie enjoyed her birthday and says she will blog soon. Iain & Liz leave today and are heading your way:)the rest of us are just floating along :)
Have a good day everyone! xxooxxoox