Was great to chat last night Lindy and I'm glad to know how easy it is to get text messages through to you dad. You asked for photos Lindy, well the only photos on the camera were of Natalie in her new ballet uniform ready for practice on Wednesday. My baby's such a big grown up girl now!
Love and hugs,
Sorry to hear about Grandpa Kitto. Please pass on our love and thoughts to the Kitto family.
Also wanted to say that Natalie looks lovely and very much the part of the prima ballerina. (And about 9 years old!)
Take care with all your driving over this weekend. We love you all.
Yes Kittos we are thinking of you all.Will see you soon.
and Wow! Natalie looks just like a girl in a book I had when I was little who was a very good and determined dancer. Hope she loves it!
see you soon.
Love Kez
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