This has been a pretty ordinary week. The blog was looking very bare however so I thought I'd just write something for the sake of being able to see something different here when I click 'refresh'.
[This picture was taken at Grandad's 80th birthday party the other weekend on Ian's camera. - yes, I'm the floating head at the back!]
Stuart and I both had/have music practice tonight which always means cutting it fine as I race home from first practice and wave as we pass and Stuart goes off to the second practice. This is a pain for Stuart because he has a lot of work to do, not including rewriting all the reports of a woman who has left the school, and did a dreadful (so I'm told) job with her reports before she left. Roll on the weekend.
I believe that those of you in Lebanon are having a busy few days. Hope that your trip down to Tyre was good today and look forward to hearing about the grandparents treat to the movies once that has happened. Also hoping that you ALL are experiencing health with your backs (and yes that does include you Kerryn, because I'm always hoping that for you given your track record!).
Calvin will start occasional care next week and has asked every day since we enrolled him, 'is it my day to go to kindy yet' 'can I go NOW?' After all this build up I hope that he enjoys himself.
So far this week at school Natalie has had a road/fire/stranger/just generally safety thing on Monday, Easter presentation by the ministers association on Tuesday, Recorder and ballet lessons on Wednesday and a Footy clinic with the Magpies today! She told me that she played a lot of football but that she wasn't that good, oh well, sounds like she had fun trying.
Ummmmm, don't know what else to write. I'm tired. I'm ALWAYS tired so nothing new there. Pretty much made it through March without going to hospital so I'm pretty stoked about that!
Love and hugs to EVERYONE (yes, you).
Debbie Sheree Kitto.
Great entry and much appriciated. Tiredness is such a bummer eh!
Tried to ring Jeanie last two nights and she was still out partying.I think she will sleep well when Margaret and Nathan leave.
Mike home late 2morrow then on elders retreat all day sat!
Both kids lost close bball games by 3 pts, my team on the otherhand
had a compleat thrashing, no injurys though! :)
Keep smiling ,have fun love you all
Kez xx
hello back in Oz. Just come home from a very filling and enjoyable meal at Browns Restaurant. It has been a long day up at 5.00am to spend the day in Tyre. lindy's back is giving a bit of trouble today but mine nearly back to normal. Keep well, hard to believe that we only have 7 days left before we will be on our way home. Could be a busy week even if we only do half the things we want to do.
Hello! me again, The Evs bought home for us some "Patchi" chocolates from Lebanon, they are very nice :) Hint hint :)
Well, Kez, we figure if you want more Patchi chocolate, you have to come to Lebanon to get it! :) Hint, hint :)
They wouldn't survive the journey home, too many hungry mouths along the way!!
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