Monday, March 19, 2007

Guess what I'm listening to?

But first, I am really impressed with the snow pictures. You ALL look like you had lots and lots of fun. What a brave grandma you are, mum! And I'm gathering from the top photo that dad you also had a go at hill sliding etc. Glad to hear you didn't break anything.
Anyway, it is 7:20am and I am sitting at your computer in Orroroo dad (because we decided to come up here last (Sun) night, have a day of study and rest before going to grandpa Kitto's funeral on Tuesday morning in Gladstone). It was absolutely wonderful to wake to the sound and smell of heavy, consistent, steady, wonderful rain! Amazingly it is still pitch black here, making it not feel like after 7. I have no idea how long the rain has been going, but it has been long enough for there to be big puddles outside and a little river out the front. Will try and find out an exact messure some time today and let you know.
It is so nice to just have a day to stop! Thanks that we can use your house by the way. It is very relaxing having a place that is closer to Gladstone that our own home. Will go and see Jeanie this morning and might try and organise her to come to tea (so that I can show her the new snow pictures). I think Stuart's plan for the day is to get all the work done that he would like to do at school but students and teachers keep interupting him (a school without students and teachers would be much more well run!).
Grandad's party when well yesterday I think. I didn't handle the large crowd terribly well, but was able to find some space watching the kids play outside. Grandad seemed to have a lovely time catching up with friends and family and he has officially and successfully turned 80.
Oh, there is a bit of light outside now, should go and see to my boy. Hope that you continue to enjoy yourselves and be safe. Love and hugs


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fantastic frozen frollicking!
Keep having fun and being safe.
Love the Hoggies

Anonymous said...

Thanks Debbie for the update. Good to hear about the rain. There is a rain gauge out the front near the dining room window. We have some video to prove that I had a go on the snow Wont tell how many goes before we got it right it was a great time. Thinking of you and trust all goes well for the funeral and the weather is not to wet. Hard to believe how quickly the time to going.Love dad