Saturday, March 10, 2007


here are some photos. hopfully they work!!!!!!!!!


Lindy said...

Hey Annie! Sorry it has taken us so long to leave our comments. Last time we tried, the silly computer wouldn't let us. Anyway, what cool photo's! I'm wondering what you two are doing in the last one, are you trying to hug the screen???? We were looking at some photos of the last time we were in Australia, and thinking that you already looked like a teenager then, so you must be into your twenties by now!! (In a nice way). So thanks for sharing some of your day with us. Wish we could have been there to share it with you in person. LOL
Lindy and the bunch of Masris.

Lindy said...

hi annie I didnt know who it was in the photo. Are you sure it really is you. Looks like you had a good day, trust it will lead to an even better year. We are having a relaxing time here in Lebanon good to catch up with everyone that we have met over the years.catch up with all your news when we get home Cold wet day here today, Love grandpa.

Lindy said...

Hello Annie,
I'm wondering if I'll know how to talk to a teenager, but then I think this is Annie and I love you so perhaps that's all that matters.
It's hard to believe that we are on the other side of the world. Of course very cold weather and lots of thunder and rain, and living on the side of steep hills helps reality kick in.
It's good to see your photos. Have a good life.
Love Grandma. xxx