Friday, March 09, 2007


hey everyone!!!!!!! its been along time since i have writtin on here but i finally found the time because my teacher gave us no homework yay!!!!!!!! But first things first my birthday!!! Thank you everyone that said happy birthday to me!!! i got lots of great things that i love and breakfast in bed!! i loved the kewl e-mails some certain somebodies sent me! thanks heaps for them they were cute and i enjoyed looking at them. school was good some how everyone litrally everyone new it was my birthday so my day was filled with fun! One of my friends tay came over and we did our homework and watched movies and had afternoon tea with Nanna & Pop. Then after they left we got ready and went out to the movies! We saw Epic movie which was good and we almost had the whole cinima to our selves but just as the movie stared people came in :( .Afterwards we got subway and got cold rock ice-cream which was realy nice but tay and i(IS EVERYONE HAPPY! I DID SOMETHING WRITE IN MY SPELLING seeeeee tay and i!!) didnt finish it that night so we had it for breakfast in the morning!hhehehe!!! Hopfully i will be having a minor party sometime soon with other skewl friends! Now the second thing second! Awhile ago all the year 8s went to west lakes for a fun day thing. it was realy good my friends and i(i did it again!!!) went kiaking and that was great fun (but everyone was threatening to capsize everyone.) Soon we will be having sports day and camp. For sports day i am only doing shot put for 1994 and relay for 1993 because its diffrent i high school, u can only have a certin amount of poeple from your colour and year enter the races and other things. In a week we will be going on camp to middleton and we will be slepping in tents, going surfing, going to greenhills, playing sport and much much more. Speaking of sport i have strated playing basketball again and we won our last match 24 to 22 againest st. Marys. It was hard at first because i was very sore(our teacher asked us to do as many sit ups as we could and as many guy push up we could do and i did 70 sit ups and 10 push ups.) Hope everyone is having a good time and enjoyed my very long blog entry!!!!!!!

♥ annie


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the detailed account of your birthday. What is cool rock ice cream? Sounds interesting! I'm very impressed at your athletic prowess. Keep it up. I guess you are on camp this week. Hope you enjoy it, it looks like it should be fun. See ya later! Lindy

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that should be COLD rock ice cream!!

Anonymous said...

its ice cream and u choose your flavours and then u can choose chocolate bars or some random thing like that eg. i Had frerroce` ice cream with snickers mashed though it and tay had cookies and cream ice cream with cookie dough mixed tho it! they mash and smash it together on a cold rock